github infrahq/infra v0.0.13

latest releases: v0.21.0, v0.20.0, v0.19.0...
3 years ago


61cf7c5 fix syntax errors in helm chart
f59080f Update
7792c15 remove v from helm versions
05d3f94 make generate
5b16991 add missing go mods
cbcb3ae update go mods
f9a8abb Separate helm charts for registry and engine (#141)
a2649b4 Remove admin commands from cli (#142)
23cccd3 Add UI boilerplate with sign up, sign in and ability to list clusters (#140)
dbef0e1 Update
7440a9e Switch config format to names rather than maps
3472717 Config import tests
f149d54 Change permissions to roles
fb15f5e update config import for user role mappings
16b2e72 Move cluster name logging to debug level
b8aa34d Allow unauthenticated call to version method (#135)
1991fdf Auto detect cluster name on eks, aks, gke (#131)
7dc57dd Update
7474716 Update
c6095fe Update
db51c64 add engine default helm values
79b0c37 Add support ingress and service customization in helm chart (#124)
9f892d2 Expose plaintext server for ingress (#122)
84977b3 make docs

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