github infracost/infracost v0.9.24

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2 years ago

0.9.24 (May 04 2022)

Infracost v0.9.24 fixes minor inconsistencies we released in v0.9.23. The most important being the --compare-to flag is now exclusive to the diff command. Thank you to all the fantastic community members who helped us try out the interim interface and gave your feedback.

Infracost diff using --compare-to

The diff command --compare-to flag enables you to compare different Infracost runs (using their JSON output), for example:

git clone

cd example-terraform/sample1

# Generate JSON file from an Infracost run
infracost breakdown --path . --terraform-parse-hcl --format json --out-file infracost-run.json

# Update the Terraform code by changing the instance type to m5.8xlarge

# Show cost estimate diff
infracost diff --path . --terraform-parse-hcl --compare-to infracost-run.json

Read more about this behaviour in our docs

Relevant changes

  • Update --compare-to flag to only be used by diff - by @hugorut in #1620

New resources


  • Remove failing spinner if workspace does not use remote execution - by @hugorut in #1622

New Contributors


The HCL parsing method will become the default behavior of the infracost breakdown and infracost diff commands in v0.10.0 of the CLI. We haven't finalized the interface yet, but it's likely that the --terraform-parse-hcl flag will be removed so there will be two main ways to use Infracost:

  • Option 1: Terraform directory​ (good for source control systems such as GitHub)
  • Option 2: Terraform plan JSON​ (good for deployment systems such as Terraform Cloud)



Full Changelog: v0.9.23...v0.9.24

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