github informalsystems/hermes v1.10.0

8 days ago

June 24th, 2024

This release enhances filter configurations and includes the following updates:

  1. excluded_sequences supports sequence ranges in addition to exact values, e.g. [1, 2, "5-10", 13] is now valid and would exclude packet with sequences 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13.
  2. packet_filter now ignores unintended whitespace.
  3. A new allow_ccq per-chain configuration has been added to skip the relaying of ICS31 Cross Chain Queries.

Additionally, various improvements to testing and bug fixes have been implemented.

  • General

    • Fix a bug where in some cases, Hermes would drop all events in a
      batch that came after an event rejected by the filtering policy
  • Relayer Library

    • Discard CrossChain queries intended for unconfigured chains.
  • Integration Test Framework

    • Add tests to ensure that Hermes correctly relays transfer messages
      from a grantee address with granted authorisation using authz module.
  • Relayer Library

    • Add a new per-chain configuration allow_ccq to enable or disable
      relaying of ICS31 Cross Chain Query packets.
  • Integration Test Framework

    • Update the version of Gaia running the integration tests in the CI from v15.2.0
      to v17.2.0 (#4023)
    • Update the version of Osmosis running the integration tests in the CI from v24.0.1
      to v25.0.0 (#4024)
    • Update the version of Juno running the integration tests in the CI from v21.0.0
      to v22.0.0 (#4025)
    • Update the version of Neutron running the integration tests in the CI from v3.0.2
      to v3.0.5 (#4026)
    • Update the version of Celestia app running the integration tests in the CI from v1.4.0
      to v1.11.0 (#4027)
    • Update the version of wasmd running the integration tests in the CI from v0.50.0
      to v0.51.0 (#4029)
    • Reduce run time for ICS29 tests by immediately verifying if either
      the legacy fees, recv_fee + ack_fee + timeout_fee or current
      fees, max(recv_fee + ack_fee, timeout_fee) have been escrowed.
    • Refactored the test-framework bootstrapping for n-ary chain tests
      to utilize the specified topology.
    • Currently, only linear, cyclic and fully connected topologies are supported.
  • Relayer Library

    • Use custom User-Agent for Hermes queries
    • Updated the channel and port filter parsing to ignore whitespaces.
      This will prevent unintended channel scanning due to accidental
      whitespaces when exact matches are specified in the packet_filter
    • Improve the excluded_sequences configuration so that it now accepts
      ranges of sequence values in addition to exact values.
      Accepted format:
    • Exact sequence, e.g. [1, 2, 3]

    • "-" separator, e.g. ["1-3"]

      These can be combined making the following configurations equivalent:

    • excluded_sequences = { 'channel-0' = [1, "3-5", 7, "9-12"] }

    • excluded_sequences = { 'channel-0' = [1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12] }


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