github influxdata/influxdb-client-go v2.0.0

latest releases: v2.12.3, v2.12.2, v2.12.1...
4 years ago

Breaking changes

  1. #173 Removed previously deprecated API.
  2. #174 Removed orgs labels API cause it has been removed from the server API
  3. #175 Removed WriteAPI.Close() as it's managed by client


  1. #165 Allow overriding the http.Client for the http.Service.
  2. #179 Unifying retry strategy among InfluxDB 2 clients: added exponential backoff.
  3. #180 Provided public logger API to enable overriding logging. It is also possible to disable logging.
  4. #181 Exposed HTTP service to allow custom server API calls. Added example.

Bug fixes

  1. #175 Fixed WriteAPIs management. Keeping a single instance for each org and bucket pair.


  1. #185 DeleteAPI and sample WriteAPIBlocking wrapper for implicit batching

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