v0.55.0 [2019-12-02]
Breaking changes
- 81c1b83 expose the optimized pivot (#2202)
- 760e89d create utility program for building libflux (#2200)
- b48f026 create a tool that measures performance of calling Rust from Go (#1967)
- 70b314c inject types in the semantic graph (#2183)
- 91e6a79 MonoType and PolyType flatbuffer encodings
- c0b1d33 MonoType and PolyType flatbuffer schemas
- ceab43b update rust flatbuffers to more closely match rust semantic graph (#2193)
- 46ad4cd flatbuffers ast to go ast (#2162)
- c3d432b port immutable walk and fix mutable walk (#2174)
- c814aa5 define the flatbuffers schema for semantic graph (#2139)
- 3ddb765 infer imported package types (#2152)
- 42c5b29 unify and infer function types (#2113)
- b58d429 add support for safely converting bytes to str… (#2154)
- cb41c28 add sqlite3 support (#2030)
- f42dd15 add internal table utility for streaming tables (#2126)