v0.29.0 [2019-05-15]
Breaking changes
- 045e4d4 add stream table index functions (#1174)
- c613fda construct invalid binary expressions when given multiple expressions (#892)
Bug fixes
- 32fb2fb properly use RefCount to reference count tables (#1216)
- 55f6510 make "on" a required parameter to join() (#1274)
- 12638ec remove the race condition within the (*Query).Done method (#1277)
- 3a467e7 fix table functions test (#1272)
- 499bb7e add column parameter to median
- f570556 modify median to work with aggregateWindow (#1263)
- 172fd34 pivot now uses the correct column type when filling nulls (#1254)
- 4c69794 add error handling for property list (#1175)
- 02ebc15 return the error from the context in the executor (#1228)