v0.124.0 [2021-08-03]
- e9849ce modify the string array builder to support constant data (#3914)
- a6f44ff expand message interface with message lifetime controls (#3913)
- a0db406 create flux array package (#3897)
- 1c14ab5 exposed function to get docs in WASM (#3855)
Bug fixes
- 9892a68 register sorted pivot (#3915)
- 5e4c423 update sortedPivot kind (#3910)
- be48bc0 derive Copy on ast::Position (#3902)
- 85892f9 to() function properly closes the writer on error (#3894)
- 9d1f979 restore the previous libflux include paths to use pkg-config (#3898)
- 606d4a4 properly copy record types with no extends parameter (#3888)
- fd829a6 fixed typo in csv.flux docs (#3883)