Mid year release of INDI Library v1.7.8 comes with a few drivers and improvements to to existing drivers.
+ New Omegon EQ500X mount driver.
+ New TALON6 dome driver.
+ New Astromechanics focuser driver.
+ New DeepSkyDad AF2 focuser driver.
+ New Apogee CFW filter wheel driver.
+ Support for Radio Detector Streaming.
+ ScopeDome fixes and improvements.
+ Fixed Vixen Starbook version detection bug.
+ Fixed Avalon Stargo Connect/Disconnect issue.
+ Improved detection of Quantum wheel.
+ Update Celestron SCT focuser to prevent moves when not calibrated.
+ Improve Sync, Park, Focus Max in DreamFocuser driver.
+ Implemented UI for PWM Outputs for OnStep
+ Fixed subframe capture in QHY driver.
+ ASI SDK updated to v1.14.0425.
+ QHY SDK updated to 5.0.5.