github inception-project/inception inception-app-0.14.0
INCEpTION 0.14.0

4 years ago

We are pleased to announce the release of INCEpTION 0.14.0.

INCEpTION is an extensible web-based collaborative environment
for text annotation. It integrates machine-learning-based annotation
support, knowledge base management and corpus building into
a single comprehensive platform.

This is a feature release.

Important upgrade note

If you are running INCEpTION behind a reverse proxy and have so far had a line like server.contextPath=/XXX in your file, please replace it with server.servlet.context-path=/XXX.

Notable changes since INCEpTION 0.13.0

  • Added ability to define keyboard shortcuts for values of string and KB features
  • Added button to open linked entity IRI in a new browser window
  • Improved string matching recommender to support more span layer cofigurations
  • Improved rendering performance when working with recommendations
  • Improved performance of writing the action log
  • Improved documentation about the file
  • Improved layout of the open document dialog
  • Improved support for elevated types in the WebAnno TSV 3 format
  • Fixed error when clicking on a recommendation in PDF editor
  • Fixed issue of entity linking code being unable to access mention text
  • Fixed issue that annotations of current user were exported while viewing annotations of another user
  • Fixed issue that message about un-mergeable annotations are not displayed on the curation page
  • ... and a couple of additional under-the-hood improvements

If you discover problems with this release, please report them to us via our issue tracker [2].

Thanks to the developer team go to: @reckart, @UWinch, @Sibgha360, @jcklie, @MdeBoer95, @az79nefy
Thanks for contributions go to: @chaitraliagashe, @wpmp, @clarus, @qpwo, @munterkalmsteiner, @bansp, @NovemberChopin, @SergioFQ, @Taaaaaserface, @JaviValera

Also thanks to all issue reporters, beta testers, feature suggesters, and users!


The new version can be downloaded from our website [3].

Important upgrade notes

An in-place upgrade from INCEpTION 0.13.0 to 0.14.0 is possible.
Back up your data before the upgrade [4].


An overview of INCEpTION can be found in

Klie, J.-C., Bugert, M., Boullosa, B., Eckart de Castilho, R. and Gurevych, I. (2018):
The INCEpTION Platform: Machine-Assisted and Knowledge-Oriented Interactive Annotation.
In Proceedings of System Demonstrations of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

PDF and BibTeX as well as more publications on specific features are
available from our website [5].

License and System requirements

INCEpTION is provided as open source software under the Apache License version 2.

Running INCEpTION requires Java version 8 or higher.

By default, INCEpTION uses an embedded database which is sufficient for testing. However, the use of a MySQL database is recommended.

INCEpTION works best with Chrome and Safari.

-- The INCEpTION developer team


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