Major changes:
Texture data is no longer kept in memory. It's released after the texture is loaded. This will greatly reduce the amount of memory the application uses. (#42)
Big peformance and memory optimizations for model loading. (#59)
Implemented network discovery - the game can now automatically find servers on LAN and connect to them. (#38)
Chat implemented. (#44)
Interiors are implemented. (#60)
Player can recruit NPC peds to follow him, by aiming at them and pressing G.
Drive-by implemented. (#45)
All GUI in the game (except windows) is re-designed for the new Unity UI system (uGUI). This means it looks better, scales with screen size, is easy to modify, leaves less garbage. (#52)
Full changelog:
are separate assemblies. -
Texture data is no longer kept in memory. It's released after the texture is loaded. This will greatly reduce the amount of memory the application uses. (#42)
Big peformance and memory optimizations for model loading. (#59)
Changed the way how distance is calculated from division to point.
Improve teleportation of peds.
Ignore culture when saving int and float settings. This should fix the bug related to loading of float settings. (#64, #65)
Settings can now be reset to default values. (#66)
Implemented network discovery - the game can now automatically find servers on LAN and connect to them. (#38)
Chat implemented. (#44)
Interiors are implemented. (#60)
Switch to sprint state from aim state if Sprint button is being held.
Player can recruit NPC peds to follow him, by aiming at them and pressing G.
Animations window can display all loaded IFP packages.
Fixed loading animations which have invalid bone ids (some of these anims are drive-by anims and FLAME_fire anim).
Refactor aiming/firing system - ped's state classes now control firing position and direction, not the Weapon class.
Drive-by implemented. (#45)
Don't read input on some places when not allowed (spawning ped with P, spawning vehicle with V, minimap controls).
Don't show flying state label.
Added search box to vehicle spawner window.
FPS display: remove milliseconds from display ; added "Display FPS" setting ; Don't toggle FPS display with F10 ; don't display it by default ; use correct delta time value for measuring (don't apply smoothing) ;
Optimize functions for getting the current zone - they don't allocate memory anymore and are faster.
Various improvements for minimap.
Update controls window text.
Fixed bug when peds were not able to enter any vehicle when there was a vehicle with no seats spawned.
All GUI in the game (except windows) is re-designed for the new Unity UI system (uGUI). This means it looks better, scales with screen size, is easy to modify, leaves less garbage. (#52)
Only toggle map window if it is opened or if reading input is allowed.
Now detecting when ped is assigned to vehicle and removed from vehicle.
Added stats about current vehicle's radio.
Display current radio station name.