github imagegenius/docker-immich alpine-v1.102.0-ig60

pre-release10 months ago

ImageGenius Changes:

rebase to alpine edge

immich Changes:


⚠️ Breaking Changes (OPT-IN ONLY)


For people always pulling the latest compose file, this is a breaking change!
Disregarding the notes will result in (temporary) data loss!


In the past, we've seen many cases where people accidentally deleted their Postgres data by (unintentionally) deleting the docker volume (e.g., docker compose down -V).
This is unfortunate as there is no way to recover that data (if you don't have a backup, MAKE BACKUPS!).
We have been thinking about mounting the Postgres data to a local folder for a while but always hesitated, as this would break existing instances due to people not reading the change logs carefully. However, there have been too many issues, and we ultimately decided to make that change.

What do I have to do?

Nothing. You should only copy the compose file with every new release if we tell you to do so in the release notes. Generally, we don't recommend making changes to existing instances. If you have never had issues, attempting to migrate the data will put it at (an unnecessary) risk.

I want to migrate my docker volume to a local folder

Unfortunately there isn't a "proper" way to export a docker volume.
The recommended method is to mount the volume and the directory (you want to copy your data to) to an arbitrary container, get a shell inside that container and copy the folder manually.


Take backups before attempting this. Especially make sure you have a current database dump (pg_dump)


Do not use a directory under /mnt for the postgres location if you are using WSL.
Generally (on all operating systems) we recommend against using a network share for your database location. This is bound to break and cause all sorts of weird issues.

If you would like to opt-in to this change, there is an additional environment variable in the .env file as well as a modification in your existing docker-compose.yml file.

docker-compose.yml file

    container_name: immich_postgres
-      - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data  
+      - ${DB_DATA_LOCATION}:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    restart: always

- pgdata:

.env file



Welcome to release version v1.102.0 of Immich. We reached 30,000 stars!!! Thank you so much for your continuous support. We are proud to bring you this release with a focus on QoL improvements and bug fixes across the web, mobile, and server. We hope you enjoy it. Some of the highlighted changes can be found below.

  • In-app language settings
  • Haptic feedback control
  • Enhanced UI/UX on the album list page
  • AV1 transcoding
  • Choose between WebP and JPEG for thumbnails and previews
  • Option to use embedded preview in RAW images
  • Option to fill the screen with slideshows view

In-app language settings

You can now keep your phone interface in a different language and have Immich's app in a different language with the new in-app language setting. It can be found in Settings > Languages. After making the change, the new language will propagate across the app.


Haptic feedback control

We added an option in the mobile app to disable haptic feedback. It can be found under Settings > Preferences > Haptic Feedback


Web album page's UI/UX enhancement

Album Grouping

With this new feature, albums can now be grouped by year or owner (or not grouped at all). This can be very useful to not get lost when having a lot of albums, that even are sometimes similar.


  • This works both on "Covers" and "List" views.


  • Albums are first grouped, then sorted inside of those groups.
  • Group sorting can be either ascending or descending.
  • Group by drop-down is located next to the Sort by one. The two buttons on the right are Expand all and Collapse all. They are not displayed when No grouping is selected.


  • Groups can be collapsed (saved in the local storage).

Other UI Changes

  • Album cards now display the month and year of the photos.
    • Same month and year: Jan 2024
    • Different months, same year: Jan - Mar 2024
    • Different year: Sep 2023 - Feb 2024
  • Album cards now display the title over up to 2 lines. If the title is longer, it is cropped with an ellipsis (no change).


  • "Edit Album" modal design has been slightly changed.


Quality of Life

Album List
  • The context menu now has 4 options: Download, Edit, Share and Delete.


  • The context menu can now be displayed by right-clicking on an album card.
  • The context menu is now available on the list view (both Edit and Remove buttons have been removed).
  • The context menu is now available on the "Sharing" page, with only 1 option: Download.
  • The search feature now ignores accents.
Album View
  • When one and only one photo is selected, the context menu now displays the option Set as album cover.


AV1 transcoding

This release adds support for the next-gen AV1 format using the SVT-AV1 encoder. AV1 promises smaller files at the same quality as the other codecs we support, especially for high resolution videos. Note that client support for AV1 is more limited, so we recommend trying it on one (server-only) video and confirming it plays before transcoding your full library with it.

New image settings


Before this release, all preview images were JPEG, and all thumbnails were WebP. This is now customizable, so you can set them as you like. This also paves the way for adding other formats with minimal change.

There's also a new option to use the embedded preview in RAW images instead of converting the RAW image itself. This is particularly useful if the converted images from a camera don't look quite right or if you have custom-developed previews you'd like to use instead.

Option to fill the screen with slideshows view

We added a new option in the slideshow settings to fill the screen with the slideshow view, this will give you a more immersive viewing experience.

And as always, bugs are fixed, and many other improvements also come with this release.

Please consider supporting the project.


If you find the project helpful, you can support Immich via the following channels.

It is a great way to let me know that you want me to continue developing and working on this project for years to come.

What's Changed

⚠️ Breaking Changes

🗄️ Server

📱 Mobile

🖥️ Web


📓 Documentation

🔨 Maintenance

Other changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

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