github imaNNeo/fl_chart 0.40.0

latest releases: 0.64.0, 0.63.0, 0.62.0...
2 years ago
  • BUGFIX Fixed pieChart centerRadius = double.infinity problem, #747.c
  • BREAKING Charts touchCallback signature has changed to (FlTouchEvent event, BaseTouchResponse? response) which FlTouchEvent determines which touch/pointer event happened (such as FlTapUpEvent, FlPanUpdateEvent, ...), and BaseTouchResponse gives us the chart response.
  • BREAKING Chart touchResponse classes don't have touchInput and clickHappened properties anymore. Use FlTouchEvent provided in the callback instead of touchInput. Check event is FlTapUpEvent to detect touch events instead of checking clickHappened;
  • IMPROVEMENT Again we support longPress touch events. check FlTouchEvent to see all kind of supported touch/pointer events (which can be FlLongPressStart, FlLongPressMoveUpdate, FlLongPressEnd, ...). Also you can check out touch handling doc, #649.
  • IMPROVEMENT Added mouseCursorResolver callback in touchData classes such as LineTouchData and BarTouchData. You can change the MouseCursor based on the provided FlTouchEvent and touchResponse using this callback. (We have used this feature in PieChartSample2)
  • BUGFIX Fixed ScatterChart default touchHandling crash
  • BUGFIX Fix text styles when updating the theme. Check this theme-aware-sample.
  • IMPROVEMENT Show narrow horizontal and vertical grid lines by default.
  • IMPROVEMENT Show all left, top (except BarChart), right, bottom titles in Axis based charts by default.
  • IMPROVEMENT Set BarChartAlignment.spaceEvenly as alignment property of BarChartData by default
  • IMPROVEMENT Allow BarChart and LineChart have empty values instead of throwing exception (we don't show anything if there is nothing provided)
  • BREAKING textStyle of ScatterTooltipItem is now nullable and optional. bottomMargin is also optional (default is zero). So both are named parameters now.
  • IMPROVEMENT We improved touch precision of ScatterChart.
  • BUGFIX Fix overlapping last gridlines on border lines problem.
  • NEWS Your donation motivates me to work more on the fl_chart and resolve more issues. Now you can buy me a coffee!

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