Original Release Notes: https://web.archive.org/web/20201129195404/http://weblog.ikvm.net/PermaLink.aspx?guid=692505a6-f9e7-45ec-90b9-ec7a75d3b509. This release originally happened on SourceForge on 2011-12-05.
IKVM.NET 7.0 Released
I've released IKVM.NET 7.0 to SourceForge. The binaries are identical to the ones in release candidate 0.
Release Notes
This document lists the improvements, known issues and incompatibilities.
What's New (relative to IKVM.NET 0.46):
- Integrated OpenJDK 7 b147.
- Implemented Java 7 JVM changes.
- Java annotations on statically compiled code are now returned as java.lang.reflect.Proxy objects for compability with broken code that assumes this is always the case.
- Added delegate conversion for java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler to ikvm.runtime.Delegates.
- Various remap file improvements.
- Changed build and JNI code to use different names for the Windows x86 and x64 versions of the native dll.
- Retain reflection field ordering for ikvmc compiled code (not required by spec, but to improve compatibility with broken code).
- Various AWT fixes.
- Interop between java.lang.AutoCloseable and System.IDisposable.
- Various build system improvements.
- Added ikvmc -warnaserror option.
- Fixed java.io.FileOutputStream in append mode to use atomic append.
- Various performance improvements.
- Added -Xnoglobbing option to ikvm.exe.
- Various minor fixes.
- Implemented dual stack sockets (Windows Vista and up only).
- Implemented platform MBean server.
- Implemented SocketChannel.sendOutOfBandData().
- Implemented DatagramChannel multicast methods.
- Removed mapping of System.Security.VerificationException to java.lang.VerifyError.
- IKVM.Reflection: Massive enhancements to support a very large portion of the managed PE capabilities (much more than System.Reflection.Emit).
- Code unloading (aka class GC) is not supported.
- In Java static initializers can deadlock, on .NET some threads can see uninitialized state in cases where deadlock would occur on the JVM.
- Only supported in the default AppDomain.
- Only the JNICALL calling convention is supported! (On Windows, HotSpot appears to also support the cdecl calling convention).
- Cannot call string contructors on already existing string instances
- A few limitations in Invocation API support
- The Invocation API is only supported when running on .NET.
- JNI_CreateJavaVM: init options "-verbose[:class|:gc|:jni]", "vfprintf", "exit" and "abort" are not implemented. The JDK 1.1 version of JavaVMInitArgs isn't supported.
- JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs not implemented
- JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs only returns the JavaVM if the VM was started through JNI or a JNI call that retrieves the JavaVM has already occurred.
- DestroyJVM is only partially implemented (it waits until there are no more non-daemon Java threads and then returns JNI_ERR).
- DetachCurrentThread doesn't release monitors held by the thread.
- Native libraries are never unloaded (because code unloading is not supported).
- The JVM allows any reference type to be passed where an interface reference is expected (and to store any reference type in an interface reference type field), on IKVM this results in an IncompatibleClassChangeError.
- monitorenter / monitorexit cannot be used on unitialized this reference.
- Floating point is not fully spec compliant.
- A method returning a boolean that returns an integer other than 0 or 1 behaves differently (this also applies to byte/char/short and for method parameters).
- Synchronized blocks are not async exception safe.
- Ghost arrays don't throw ArrayStoreException when you store an object that doesn't implement the ghost interface.
- Class loading is more eager than on the reference VM.
- Interface implementation methods are never really final (interface can be reimplemented by .NET subclasses).
- JSR-133 finalization spec change is not fully implemented. The JSR-133 changes dictate that an object should not be finalized unless the Object constructor has run successfully, but this isn't implemented.
- Strict class-file checking is not implemented.
Static Compiler (ikvmc)
- Some subtle differences with ikvmc compiled code for public members inherited from non-public base classes (so called "access stubs"). Because the access stub lives in a derived class, when accessing a member in a base class, the derived cctor will be run whereas java (and ikvm) only runs the base cctor.
- Try blocks around base class ctor invocation result in unverifiable code (no known compilers produce this type of code).
- Try/catch blocks before base class ctor invocation result in unverifiable code (this actually happens with the Eclipse compiler when you pass a class literal to the base class ctor and compile with -target 1.4).
- Only code compiled together during a single compilation fully obeys the JLS binary compatibility rules.
Class Library
Most class library code is based on OpenJDK 7 build 147. Below is a list of divergences and IKVM.NET specific implementation notes.
com.sun.security.auth.module | Not supported. |
java.applet | Not implemented. |
java.awt | Partial System.Windows.Forms based back-end. Not supported. |
java.io.Console | Not implemented. |
java.lang.instrument | Not implemented. |
java.lang.management | Limited implementation. |
java.net | SCTP and SDP not implemented. |
java.net.ProxySelector | Getting the default system proxy for a URL is not implemented. |
java.nio.file | Most optional features (e.g. ACLs) are not implemented. |
java.text.Bidi | Not supported. |
java.util.zip | Partially based on GNU Classpath implementation. |
javax.crypto | ECC is not implemented. |
javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg | Partial implementation. JPEGs can be read and written and there is limited metadata support. |
javax.management | Limited implementation. |
javax.print | There is a Win32 specific printing implementation. Not supported. |
javax.script | ECMAScript implementation is not included. |
javax.smartcardio | Not implemented. |
javax.sound | Not implemented. |
javax.swing | Not supported. |
javax.tools | Not supported. |
org.ietfs.jgss | Not implemented. |
sun.jdbc.odbc | Implementation based on .NET ODBC managed provider. |
sun.net.www.content.audio | Audio content handlers not implemented. |
sun.net.www.content.image | Not supported. |
Partial Trust
There is experimental support for running in partial trust.
The entire public API is available, so "Not implemented." for javax.smartcardio, for example, means that the API is there but there is no back-end to provide the actual smartcard communication support. "Not supported." means that the code is there and probably works at least somewhat, but that I'm less likely to fix bugs reported in these areas, but patches are welcome, of course.
Specific API notes:
- java.lang.Thread.stop(Throwable t) doesn't support throwing arbitrary exceptions on other threads (only java.lang.ThreadDeath).
- java.lang.Thread.holdsLock(Object o) causes a spurious notify on the object (this is allowed by the J2SE 5.0 spec).
- java.lang.String.intern() strings are never garbage collected.
- Weak/soft references and reference queues are inefficient and do not fully implement the required semantics.
- java.lang.ref.SoftReference: Soft references are not guaranteed to be cleared before an OutOfMemoryError is thrown.
- Threads started outside of Java aren't "visible" (e.g. in ThreadGroup.enumerate()) until they first call Thread.currentThread().
- java.lang.Thread.getState() returns WAITING or TIMED_WAITING instead of BLOCKING when we're inside Object.wait() and blocking to re-acquire the monitor.
- java.nio.channel.FileChannel.lock() shared locks are only supported on Windows NT derived operating systems.
- java.lang.SecurityManager: Deprecated methods not implemented: classDepth(String), inClass(String), classLoaderDepth(), currentLoadedClass(), currentClassLoader(), inClassLoader()
Supported Platforms
This release has been tested on the following CLI implementations / platforms:
CLI Implementation | Architecture | Operating System |
.NET 2.0 SP2 | x86 | Windows |
.NET 2.0 SP2 | x64 | Windows |
.NET 4.0 | x86 | Windows |
.NET 4.0 | x64 | Windows |
Partial Trust
There is experimental support for running in partial trust.