github ihaveamac/ninfs v1.0b4
fuse-3ds v1.0b4

latest releases: v2.0, v2.0a11, v2.0a10...
pre-release6 years ago
  • Add new "Extras" window with links to tutorial and repo
  • Add new context menu entry for Windows users (in Extras window)
  • Automatic detection of a file format if the gui is launched with an argument (to support the context menu entry)
  • Support BOOT9_PATH and SEEDDB_PATH environment variables
  • More reliable checking if the mount failed in the gui
  • Only set gui font size on Windows
  • Fix incorrect exception handler for CIA mount
  • Other fixes and changes

This release was re-uploaded after publishing to fix a small issue.

Important note

This is not a full release, so some things may still be broken. Please file issues if this happens.

NAND and SD mounts allow writing. Keep backups before writing to these, in the event an unknown bug corrupts data.

There is a tutorial on GBAtemp. Please test the program and report issues on the issue tracker.

README has the details on how to use it. If you are unsure about something, you can ask at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord, or the GBAtemp thread.


Windows users can download the executable attached to this release. 64-bit users should get the -x64 version. WinFsp must be installed. Python does not have to be installed separately.

macOS and Linux (and Windows who prefer to use their installed Python) can install this release via pip, or by downloading the "Source code" archive. Python 3.5.2 or later is required. Read the README for more setup and usage details.


  • py -3 -mpip install
    • At the moment, the main fusepy repository does not have full Windows support. This extra requirement will be removed once it is added and a new release is made.


FUSE for macOS is required.

  • python3 -mpip install


  • python3 -mpip install --user
    • --user is not required if you are using a virtualenv.

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