github ifreund/waylock v0.4.1
waylock 0.4.1

latest releases: v1.3.0, v1.2.1, v1.2.0...
2 years ago

waylock 0.4.1

This patch release adds a workaround for a race condition in
libwayland-server that can lead to the session remaining locked after
the password has been entered correctly and waylock has exited.

I've sent a patch to upstream libwayland to fix this issue, but it
likely will be a while before it lands in a wayland release and makes
its way into distro repositories.


Isaac Freund (6):
      build: bump version to 0.4.1-dev
      docs: Expand on -Dcpu in
      docs: Add note on compositor ext-session-lock-v1 support
      Lock: simplify poll usage
      Lock: work around race in libwayland-server
      build: bump version to 0.4.1

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