github ice-wm/icewm 3.4.0
Release icewm-3.4.0

latest releases: 3.5.0, 3.4.7, 3.4.6...
12 months ago

For packagers

Add translation files for ast, eo, fa, hi, ie, ka, kk, nn, si languages.


Support keybindings to shifted keys for issue #134.
Support keybindings to literal Latin-1 characters.
Support all UTF-8 code points in keybindings.


Fix for a map request from an unmanaged client for bbidulock/icewm#734.
When the keyboard layout changes, reparse the key bindings.


Update the manpage for "icewm-keys".
Updated translation: Indonesian.
New translation: Georgian.

shasum icewm-3.4.0.tar.lz 85cda505315cfacfc4642ff08a7e9e2b5ea99fb8

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