github ice-wm/icewm 3.2.0
Release icewm-3.2.0

latest releases: 3.4.7, 3.4.6, 3.4.5...
18 months ago

Fix for fullscreen wine programs where taskbar would not hide.
Ensure KeySysWinNext and KeySysWinPrev always work for
rolled up windows which use the Globally Active focus model.
Give the Alt+Tab a 30 second history for bbidulock/icewm#673.
The next Alt+Tab will continue where the previous one left off.
Add "tabto" command to icesh move windows as tabs to a new frame.
Add "untab" command to icesh to move each tab to its own frame.
Add "stacking" and "reverse" commands to icesh.
Let icesh check all atoms in the -Property filter.
Support edge switching when dragging a window for bbidulock/icewm#681.
When switching to a tab with size limitations, adapt the frame geometry.
Fix maximize and fullscreen for tabs with different normal sizes.
Prevent the flashing when switching tabs.
Only popup the grouping menu on a task button on the first button click
without key modifiers. This makes it easier to immediately select or
minimize the active application by using the shift or control modifier.
Update the title bar shape when changing tabs.
Set common properties when adding another tab to a frame.
Always update the window list and _NET_CLIENT_LIST when adding more tabs.
Add special filtered view and flat rendering options to icewm-menu-fdo.
Updated translations: Macedonian.

shasum icewm-3.2.0.tar.lz f89f13beda10fb44be9270443eee426aa06aaa90

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