github ice-wm/icewm 1.6.5
Release icewm-1.6.5

latest releases: 3.4.7, 3.4.6, 3.4.5...
4 years ago

Fixes and updates for both the configure and the cmake build.
"icesh last" may only obtain a client list if no previous selection.
Relinquish the window manager selection when done.
If "exec xterm" fails then let icewm-session restart icewm.
Implement all of the functionality of "icesh -X".
Document all task button mouse clicks.
Optimize the startup of the task bar.
New icewm-menu-xrandr "--max" option for menu options selector.
Let icewm-menu-xrandr prefer the mode with the highest refresh rate.
Document all hidden features of the window list window.
Setting winoptions "tray" option non-zero overrules "ignoreTaskBar".
Make tray toggle more intuitive by toggling between only two states.
When parsing workspace names in icesh also test with spaces trimmed.
Filter on property values in icesh and add click and delay to icesh.
Filter clients in icesh by EWMH window state.
Change the EWMH window state in icesh.
Half a dozen fixes and improvements to the window list window.
Fix tooltip positioning for multi-monitor when primary screen is right.
Add all startup options to generated preferences.
Prevent task bar auto hide if address bar is visible for #412.
Fix the parsing of the opacity field in rgba colors.
Eliminate a large number of superfluous frame border updates.
shasum b4fe81b749330a901643b37db960a50de8ac5bcd icewm-1.6.5.tar.lz

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