github hyperledger/indy-node 1.1.43-stable
Release 1.1.43

latest releases: v1.13.2, setRelease-v1.13.2, v1.13.2-rc6...
5 years ago

Release date: Oct 24th, 2017

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.1.27
indy-anoncreds 1.0.10
indy-node 1.1.43

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Added a migration script which eliminates redundant fields with null values from legacy transactions in the domain ledger. INDY-895 INDY-869
Added a constraint on version field of POOL_UPGRADE transaction that denies values lower than the current installed version. INDY-895 INDY-869
Added prevention of upgrade to a lower version to Upgrader class. INDY-895 INDY-869
Fixed a bug in Upgrader class in search for a POOL_UPGRADE cancel transaction for the last POOL_UPGRADE start transaction. INDY-895 INDY-869
Added a test verifying prevention of upgrade to a lower version. INDY-895 INDY-869
Corrected existing tests according to introduced prevention of upgrade to a lower version. INDY-895 INDY-869

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