github hyperledger/indy-node 1.1.37-stable
Release 1.1.37

latest releases: v1.13.2, setRelease-v1.13.2, v1.13.2-rc6...
5 years ago

Release date: Sep 26th, 2017

Component Version Information

Components Version Numbers
indy-plenum 1.1.27
indy-anoncreds 1.0.10
indy-node 1.1.37

Major Fixes

Description Additional Information Ticket Number
Stewards can now demote and promote their own nodes. INDY-410
Fixed problem with timezones for timestamp in a transaction. INDY-466
Limited incoming message size from 128k to 128MB (Temporary solution). INDY-25
Fixed send CLAIM_DEF command. INDY-378
Masked private information in the CLI logs/output. INDY-725
Fixes crashes on ubuntu 17.04. INDY-8
Python interpreter is executed in optimized mode. INDY-211
Memory leak fixes. INDY-223
Some minor stability fixes.
Fixed a problem with migration during manual upgrades. INDY-808
Fixed a problem with the message length limitation. This was a permanent solution of INDY-25. INDY-765
Fixed a problem when the pool was writing transactions when more than F nodes were stopped. INDY -786
Fixed a problem when the pool was broken after processing lots of transactions at once. INDY-760
Fixed a problem when the pool doesn't come back to consensus in cases when less than n-f nodes are alive. INDY-804
Partially fixed a problem when the pool responded with outdated data. INDY-761

Changes - Additions - Known Issues

Description Workaround Ticket
New ledger serialization is supported and Leveldb is used as a storage for all ledgers : msgpack is used for the ledger serialization (both transaction log and merkle tree).
The new serialization change created changes to the directory structure for the nodes. The directory name changes are located on a node under .sovrin/data/nodes/<node name>/<directories>. The change removes the ledger files as plain text files and creates them as binary files. A new tool was created to view the ledger entries called read_ledger. This tool also provides you with a count of the transactions. To learn more about this tool and to see a list of available commands, run this as the sovrin user: read_ledger --h
Genesis transaction files are renamed adding a _genesis to the end of each file name.
Added the commands to the POOL_UPGRADE to support downgrade and re-installation. However both have issues and should not be used at this time. INDY-735 INDY-755
Fixes to upgrade procedure, in particular an issue which caused an infinite loop. INDY-316
A new CLI command was added to ease the process of rotating a verification key (verkey). The command is change current key or change current key with seed xxxxx.
Improvements to log messages.
In your sources.list you only need the entry "deb xenial stable".
Implemented a command line tool to provide validator status. INDY-715
"Debug" mode for tests was moved to parameter. INDY-716
Log levels were changed on some debug level messages to an info level. INDY-800
If the pool loses enough nodes and cannot reach consensus when enough nodes become available, the pool will still not reach consensus. If you restart all the nodes in the pool, it will start reaching consensus again. INDY-849

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