github hyperledger/fabric v3.1.0

one day ago

v3.1.0 Release Notes - March 18, 2025

New features

Performance optimization - Batching of chaincode writes

Chaincodes that write large numbers of keys were inefficient since each key write required communication between the chaincode and the peer.
The new feature enables a chaincode developer to batch multiple writes into a single communication between the chaincode and the peer.
A batch can be started by calling StartWriteBatch(). The chaincode can then perform key writes as usual.
Then when FinishWriteBatch() is called or the transaction execution ends the writes will be sent to the peer.
Batches over a configured size will be split into multiple batch segments.
The batching approach significantly improves performance for chaincodes that write to many keys.
Note that the batching only impacts the endorsement phase. The transaction itself, as well as the validation and commit phases, remains the same as previous versions.

The batch writes are configured with the following peer core.yaml chaincode properties:

  • chaincode.runtimeParams.useWriteBatch - boolean that indicates whether write batching is enabled on peer
  • chaincode.runtimeParams.maxSizeWriteBatch - integer that indicates the maximum number of keys written per batch segment.

The new feature requires chaincode to utilize fabric-chaincode-go v2.1.0 or higher.

Performance optimization - Batching of chaincode reads

Chaincodes that read large numbers of keys were inefficient since each key read required communication between the chaincode and the peer.
The new feature enables a chaincode developer to batch multiple reads into a single communication between the chaincode and the peer.
Utilize the new GetMultipleStates() and GetMultiplePrivateData() chaincode functions to perform the batch reads.
Batches over a configured size will be split into multiple batch segments.

The batch reads are configured with the following peer core.yaml chaincode properties:

  • chaincode.runtimeParams.useGetMultipleKeys - boolean that indicates whether read batching is enabled on peer
  • chaincode.runtimeParams.maxSizeGetMultipleKeys - integer that indicates the maximum number of keys read per batch segment

The new feature requires chaincode to utilize fabric-chaincode-go v2.2.0 or higher.

Query all composite keys in a chaincode

A new chaincode function GetAllStatesCompositeKeyWithPagination() is available so that all composite keys within a chaincode can be retrieved.
This function is useful when performing bulk operations on all composite keys in a chaincode.

The new feature requires chaincode to utilize fabric-chaincode-go v2.3.0 or higher.

Improvements and Fixes

All improvements and fixes as of v2.5.12 have also been included in v3.1.0.


Fabric v3.1.0 has been tested with the following dependencies:

  • Go 1.24.0
  • CouchDB v3.4.2

Fabric docker images on and utilize Ubuntu 22.04.

Changes and Removals

See the v3.0.0 release notes for changes and removals between Fabric v2.x and Fabric v3.x.

Deprecated features

Block dissemination via gossip is deprecated and may be removed

Block dissemination via gossip is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.
Fabric peers can be configured to receive blocks directly from an ordering service
node, and not gossip blocks, by using the following configuration:

peer.gossip.orgLeader: true
peer.gossip.useLeaderElection: false
peer.gossip.state.enabled: false
peer.deliveryclient.blockGossipEnabled: false

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