github hyperledger/besu 1.4.0-beta2

latest releases: 24.12.2, 24.12.1, 24.12.0...
pre-release4 years ago

Additions and Improvements

  • Enable TLS for JSON-RPC HTTP Service #253

Exposes new command line parameters to enable TLS on Ethereum JSON-RPC HTTP interface to allow clients like EthSigner to connect via TLS:
(Optional - Only required if --rpc-http-enabled is set to true) Set to true to enable TLS. False by default.
(Must be specified if TLS is enabled) Path to PKCS12 format key store which contains server's certificate and it's private key
(Must be specified if TLS is enabled) Path to the text file containing password for unlocking key store.
(Optional) Path to a plain text file containing space separated client’s certificate’s common name and its sha-256 fingerprints when
they are not signed by a known CA. The presence of this file (even empty) enables TLS client authentication. That is, the client
presents the certificate to server on TLS handshake and server establishes that the client certificate is either signed by a
proper/known CA. Otherwise, server trusts client certificate by reading the sha-256 fingerprint from known clients file specified above.

The format of the file is (as an example):
localhost DF:65:B8:02:08:5E:91:82:0F:91:F5:1C:96:56:92:C4:1A:F6:C6:27:FD:6C:FC:31:F2:BB:90:17:22:59:5B:50

Bug Fixes

  • TotalDifficulty is a BigInteger #253.
    Don't try and cast total difficulty down to a long because it will overflow long in a reasonable timeframe.

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