Minor Changes
- 05f8965: Added utils for fetching extra lockboxes data from a xERC20 warp route
- d121c1c: Add XERC20 derivation in SDK/CLI Warp Reading
- 3518f89: Implement HyperlaneCCIPDeployer and CCIPContractCache, for deploying and initializing CCIP ISMs/Hooks for supported pairs of CCIP chains.
- d6ddf5b: make warp:read and warp:check/warp:verify operations independent of signer requirements
- 766f506: Change semantics of ism/hook config from undefined to 0x0 for reading/checking purposes
- e78060d: Add CCIP boiler plate for existing ISM and Hook deployers.
- cb7c157: Support DefaultHook in the SDK.
- ede0cbc: Don't derive testnet domains in IGP config derivation on mainnet
- 1955579: Expand warpDeployConfig for checking purposes
- 57137da: Add consts and utils for integrating with CCIP.
- 5002496: Enable usage of CCIP Hooks and ISMs in warp routes.
- 03266e2: add amount routing hook support in the sdk and cli
- cb93c13: Add EvmHypVSXERC20LockboxAdapter and EvmHypVSXERC20Adapter adapters
- 4147f91: Added AmountRoutingIsm support to the IsmReader and Factory
Patch Changes
- 456407d: Adds checking to warp route collateral contracts
- Updated dependencies [1a0eba6]
- Updated dependencies [05f8965]
- Updated dependencies [9a010df]
- Updated dependencies [1a0eba6]
- Updated dependencies [f3c67a2]
- Updated dependencies [3518f89]
- Updated dependencies [03266e2]
- Updated dependencies [27eadbf]
- Updated dependencies [4147f91]
- @hyperlane-xyz/core@5.12.0
- @hyperlane-xyz/utils@8.9.0