github hyperlane-xyz/hyperlane-monorepo @hyperlane-xyz/sdk@7.3.0

latest releases: @hyperlane-xyz/widgets@7.3.0, @hyperlane-xyz/utils@7.3.0
13 days ago

Minor Changes

  • 2054f4f: Require Sealevel native transfers to cover the rent of the recipient
  • a96448f: Add logic into SDK to enable warp route unenrollment
  • 170a0fc: Add createHookUpdateTxs() to WarpModule.update() such that it 1) deploys a hook for a warp route without an existing hook, or 2) update an existing hook.
  • 9a09afc: Deploy to appchain, treasure, zklink.
  • 24784af: Introduce GcpValidator for retrieving announcements, checkpoints and metadata for a Validator posting to a GCP bucket. Uses GcpStorageWrapper for bucket operations.
  • 3e8dd70: Update validators for boba, duckchain, unichain, vana, bsquared, superseed. Update oort's own validator. Update blockpi's viction validator. Adad luganodes/dsrv to flame validator set.
  • aa1ea9a: updates the warp deployment config schema to be closer to the ica routing schema
  • f0b98fd: Updated the derivation logic to enable ICA ISM metdata building from on chain data to enable self relaying of ICA messages
  • ff9e8a7: Added a getter to derive ATA payer accounts on Sealevel warp routes
  • 97c1f80: Implement Sealevel IGP quoting
  • 323f0f1: Add ICAs management in core apply command
  • 6115709: Deploy to swell & lumiaprism. Parallelise router enrollment in HyperlaneRouterDeployer.

Patch Changes

  • 665a7b8: Added decimal consistency checks to the Token checker
    • @hyperlane-xyz/utils@7.3.0
    • @hyperlane-xyz/core@5.8.3

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