github hyperlane-xyz/hyperlane-monorepo @hyperlane-xyz/core@6.0.0

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one day ago

Major Changes

  • 88970a7: ## Changes

    Add immutable scale parameter to all warp route variants which scales outbound amounts down and inbound amounts up. This is useful when different chains of the route have different decimal places to unify semantics of amounts in messages.

    Removes HypNativeScaled in favor of HypNative with scale parameter.


    If you want to keep the same behavior as before, you can set scale to 1 in all your routes.

    HypNativeScaled Usage

    - HypNativeScaled(scale, mailbox)
    + HypNative(scale, mailbox)

    HypERC20 Usage

    - HypERC20(decimals, mailbox)
    + HypERC20(decimals, scale, mailbox)

    HypERC20Collateral Usage

    - HypERC20Collateral(erc20, mailbox)
    + HypERC20Collateral(erc20, scale, mailbox)

Minor Changes

  • 88970a7: Fixed misuse of aggregation hook funds for relaying messages by making sure msg.value is adequate and refunding if excess.

Patch Changes

  • 88970a7: Refactor TokenRouter internal amount accounting for use in scaling Warp Routes
  • Updated dependencies [4df3739]
    • @hyperlane-xyz/utils@9.0.0

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