github hydrusnetwork/hydrus v614
Version 614

one day ago


  • the new system:tag (advanced) edit panel now has a 'write/edit' tag autocomplete to help you quickly enter what you want to search
  • the system:tag (advanced) predicate now works in the system predicate parser. everything it produces should be pastable back into the tag autocomplete and it'll all just work (I believe even crazy situations, but let me know how you get on). it is somewhat error tolerant, so you can type just 'pending' instead of 'status is pending' etc.., but it is best if you get the colons, commas and quotes correct
  • reworded the labels in system:tag (advanced) to say 'ignoring siblings/parents' rather than just 'siblings'. I was thinking about this the wrong way when I first implemented it and forgot to realise and mention that when searching in the 'storage' domain, you are missing tag mappings that would be implicated by parent relationships too
  • thanks to a user, we have two new QSS styles--'catmocchin blue' and 'catmocchin lavender'. there are additional style and colour suggestions inside the QSS files themselves
  • the default image cache size under options->speed and memory is raised from 384MB to 1GB, which means by default the cache will hold on to a ~12,600x7,000px image and prefetch a ~9,700x5,500px one. it was previously tuned for 4k, but we are going to push a little further
  • speed and memory also lets you raise the prefetch cache percentage up to 25% (from 20%) (issue #1693)
  • I discovered that the bug in the media viewer where a static image will do a flickery resize--where on zoom it will move to position and then scale in two discrete frames--is triggered by loading the mpv window in that media viewer! it seems like mpv sets some deep 'immediate render' flag on the window. I hacked around a bit and believe I have fixed this bug. a rewrite of the entire media viewer layout system remains pending, but I think we fixed this very annoying thing!
  • I may have also fixed some other change-media flicker too, let me know how you get on
  • the 'macOS window position fix test' debug mode is now default behaviour. if you noticed your dialog windows were moving down like 26 pixels on every open in macOS, it should be better now! (issues #1681, #1673)
  • fixed a bug when searching files with 0 width or height (this is mostly a legacy issue) with a file-sort set to image ratio
  • if you try to run profile mode on python 3.12+, you now get a popup saying it is broke atm and hydev will fix

new media viewer tech

  • thanks to a user, we have some great new media viewer zoom and display options
  • there's a new zoom icon button in the top hover that lets you set some new zoom types: default for filetype, 100% zoom, canvas fit, fit horizontally, fit vertically, and canvas fill
  • also, we now have 'lock current zoom type'! so, you can switch to 'view this image as 100%', and that will stick for the next file as you browse back and forth
  • also, there's 'lock current pan'! useful for comparing duplicates at high zoom
  • and there's 'try to lock current size', which copies my duplicate filter's 'lock zoom amount' tech for the normal media viewer
  • these three 'lock' options are saved, not per-media-viewer-session
  • you can say in options->media playback what zoom type you would like the viewer to default to. the default is 'default for filetype', lol, which I generally recommend, but you can set to always override all filetypes with 'canvas fill' or something if you like, particularly, say, on the preview viewer
  • also, under the 'eye' icon, or options->media viewer, you can now set the tags hover and/or top-right hover to not appear on mouseover!
  • the 'media viewer' shortcut set gets actions for the new zoom types, a new three-way zoom switch, and a new 'recenter media' action
  • I fixed a couple things with this for weird stuff like excepting audio and open externally panels. I also span out the duplicate filter zoom maintenance into its own thing and added it to the new menu as the 'lock current size' choice, reworked the options stuff a little to fit in with the existing per-filetype zoom settings, added some checkboxes to the menu for feedback, added the 'recenter-pan' action, and since graphics design is my passion I made a new icon for the advanced zoom settings icon button, yes it is a cog icon placed expertly over a magnifying glass
  • I think I fixed some zoom bugs in the duplicate filter with 'open externally' and audio panels

duplicates auto-resolution

  • everything went great. should be launching the initial test for advanced users next week
  • extended the new preview panel a bit--added a 'only sample this many' number widget, defaulting to 256, so you only start looking at a fast preview of the potentially tens of thousands of results; made sure the results always sort the same way (pseudorandom, but fixed); and added a third column to the 'pairs that will be actioned' list to show if the AB pair is fixed as you see or could be either way around
  • wired the potential duplicates storage module up to the auto-resolution storage module. when a potential pair is added or removed, the auto-resolution rules are now synced in the same transaction
  • buffed the 'add pairs' tech here to ensure even if the two modules get desynced somehow, the auto-resolution guy won't add dupes by accident
  • hooked the 'delete orphan rules' and 'fix orphan potential pairs' auto-resolution maintenance jobs up to the cog icon menu button in the auto-resolution sidebar panel
  • wrote some async code to handle waiting for any current work to finish before launching the edit dialog, and only allowing one edit dialog at a time
  • added a refresh button to the review panel
  • fixed up and finished the main 'set rules' pipeline, including generation and propagation of rule_id and counts cache
  • reworded the rule status summary text to put pertinent info at the front
  • hooked up the main search and resolution worker db calls
  • fixed a ton of stupid typos in the auto-resolution db code
  • enabled the UI, tried it out; the whole system works!
  • the UI is enabled for today, but the edit rules dialog will not save anything. non-advanced-mode users can also see the new tab now. I will take another week to write up some unit tests and help and do a more complicated IRL test. I also didn't have time to add the media viewer so I'll make sure that gets done. otherwise, we appear to be basically ready here. I'm feeling good about it, but I still want to be quite careful

boring cleanup

  • I cleared out some bad old and duplicated canvas zoom code, and I migrated some variable handling to use the smarter stuff in the new commit
  • replaced some laborious resolution validity-testing code with a single call in media result
  • cleaned up how potential duplicate pairs are deleted in the main duplicate files db module. it now happens through a handful of central locations rather than spammed all over the place, so the signalling to the auto-resolution module is a good bit simpler
  • fixed the permalink id in the client api help for /get_files/thumbnail_path. also fixed the example requests, which were also a sloppy copy/paste job from the 'thumbnail' command haha
  • fixed some None to null in the client api help response examples

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