github hydrusnetwork/hydrus v479a
Version 479

latest releases: v610, v609, v608-macos-zip-01...
2 years ago


  • when shift-selecting some thumbnails, you can now reverse the direction of the select and what you just selected will be deselected, basically a full undo (issue #1105)
  • when ctrl-selecting thumbnails, if you add to the selection, the file you click is now focused and always previewed (previously this only happened if there was no focused file already). this is related to the shift-select logic above, but it may be annoying when making a big ctrl-selection of videos etc.. so let me know and I can make this more clever if needed
  • added file sort 'file->hash', which sorts pseudorandomly but repeatably. it sounds not super clever, but it will be useful for certain comparison operations across clients
  • when you hit 'copy->hash' on a file right-click, it now shows the sha256 hash for quick review
  • in the duplicate filter, the zoom locking tech now works better™ when one of the pair is portrait and the other landscape. it now tries to select either width or height to lock both when going AB and BA. it also chooses the 'better' of width or height by choosing the zoom that'll change the size less radically. previously, it could do width on AB and height on BA, which lead to a variety of odd situations. there are probably still some issues here, most likely when one of the files almost exactly fills the whole canvas, so let me know how you get on
  • webps with transparency should now load correct! previously they were going crazy in the transparent area. all webps are scheduled a thumbnail regen this week
  • when import folders run, the count on their progress bar now ignores previous failed and ignored entries. it should always start 0, like 0/100, rather than 20/120 etc...
  • when import folders run, any imports where the status type is set to 'leave the file alone' is now still scanned at the end of a job. if the path does not exist any more, it is removed from the import list
  • fixed a typo bug in the recent delete code cleanup that meant 'delete files after export' after a manual export was only working on the last file in the selection. sorry for the trouble!
  • the delete files dialog now starts with keyboard focus on the action radiobox (it was defaulting to ok button since I added the recent panel disable tech)
  • if a network job has a connection error or serverside bandwidth block and then waits before retrying, it now checks if all network jobs have just been paused and will not reattempt the connection if so (issue #1095)
  • fixed a bug in thumbnail fallback rendering
  • fixed another problem with cloudscraper's new method names. it should work for users still on an old version
  • wrote a little 'extract version' sql and bat file for the db folder that simply pull the version from the client.db file in the same directory. I removed the extract options/subscriptions sql scripts since they are super old and out of date, but this general system may return in future

file history chart

  • added 'archive' line to the file history chart. this isn't exactly (current_count - inbox_count), but it pretty much is
  • added a 'show deleted' checkbox to the file history chart. it will recalculate the y axis range on click, so if you have loads of deleted files, you can now hide them to see current better
  • improved the way data is aggregated in the file history chart. diagonal lines should be reduced during any periods of client import-inactivity, and spikes should show better
  • also bumped the number of steps up to 8,000, so it should look nice maximised on a 4k
  • the file history chart now remembers its last size and position--it has an entry under options->gui

client api

  • thanks to a user, the Client API now accepts any file_id, file_ids, hash, or hashes as arguments in any place where you need to specify a file or files
  • like 'return_hashes', the 'search_files' command in the Client API now takes an optional 'return_file_ids' parameter, default true, to turn off the file ids if you only want hashes
  • added 'only_return_basic_information' parameter, default false, to 'get_metadata' call, which is fast for first-time requests (it is slim but not well cached) and just delivers the basics like resolution and file size
  • added unit tests and updated the help to reflect the above
  • client api version is now 29


  • split up the 'more files' help section into 'powerful searching' and 'exporting files', both still under the 'next steps' section
  • moved the semi-advanced 'OR' section from 'tags' to 'searching'
  • brushed up misc help
  • a couple of users added some misc help updates too, thank you!

misc boring cleanup

  • cleaned up an old wx label patch
  • cleaned up an old wx system colour patch
  • cleaned up some misc initialisation code

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