github hydrusnetwork/hydrus v340
Version 340

latest releases: v606-future-01, v606, v605-future-02...
5 years ago
  • client api:
  • fixed up some api permissions object stuff so that /verify_access_key response can always serialise correctly
  • fixed the 'add_url' api call's instability
  • the API will now always return JSON on 200. anything else should be presumed to be raw text
  • '/api_version' now returns JSON, and after talking with users, it will now start incrementing with every api change. it remains 1 just for this week
  • '/request_access_permissions' now returns JSON
  • '/add_url' now results JSON on success with more info, 403 on failure
  • '/get_url_info' now returns the 'normalised_url' in the response JSON
  • added '/get_url_files', which returns 'url_file_statuses', listing known hashes and file import status for that url
  • added '/add_files/add_file', which can import a file from a path or bytes
  • added '/add_tags/get_tag_services', which will return info on the client's tag services
  • updated client api help to reflect the above changes and fleshed out the intro a bit
  • fixed the client api permissions enum values in the help, which I somehow transcribed wrong first time
  • updated the client api tests to check the above
  • refactored client api tests to be neater and in their own file
  • .
  • the rest:
  • fixed the page of pages close bug
  • added a downloader for to the client defaults (it needs a login)
  • updated danbooru file page parsers to get 'rating' tag
  • added gelbooru 0.1.11 parser for future application
  • fixed an issue that was stopping advanced content updates from fully copying all the desired mappings in the transaction
  • added a semi-hacky checkbox to 'options->files and trash' that will delay all new file/thumb requests for 15s after the computer resumes from sleep (useful if your files are on a NAS that takes a few seconds to reconnect on wake)
  • wrote some more graceful fallback decoding handling code that attempts original assumed encoding and 'utf-8' if different and returns the one with the fewest '�' replacement characters
  • the network engine and the ffmpeg info parsing now use this new 'safe' decoding, so even if a site has borked bytes or the video file has unexpected Shift-JIS title metadata, it'll still go through, albeit with some question marks
  • moved some more old daemons to the new job scheduler, deleted some old daemon code
  • improved some daemon job wake and shutdown code
  • wrote a proper upnp manager object and improved all-around reliability of the auto upnp-service-mapping code
  • simplified the upnp check code so it now only ever checks/does anything if the respective services actually want upnp mappings. surplus mappings are now wiped immediately on service update
  • fixed upnp mapping fetching to cope with ipv6 results
  • improved some memory clearing code to deal with some semi-stubborn objects
  • improved some 'iterate through this giant list of single numbers from the db without using a lot of memory' code and applied it to the autocomplete cache regeneration routine
  • improved menubar stability, both in finding menus and swapping them out
  • if a serialised json object fails to load from the db, this is now caught, the bad object deleted and written to a new file in the db dir, and all logging info captured along with an explanatory popup thrown on screen. so, if a subscription fails to load, it will now be extracted so that a subsequent subscription edit/run will work with the remaining good objects. in the case of backed-up objects (gui sessions atm), reattempting the load should restore the next most recent backup
  • fixed an issue with login script validation when the given credentials have surplus ( key, value ) pairs to the script's credential definitions
  • fixed two login invalid cookie error handling bugs
  • maybe made some dupe filter searching more stable
  • fixed a py2 datatype issue that made the client unbootable when updating the client from <296
  • the client now pauses to nag and moan about backups if you try to update more than 15 versions in one go
  • slightly sped up discord bugfix file drag and drops and expanded file limit up to 25 files/200MB
  • added experimental secret discord bugfix dnd mode checkbox
  • improved how html parsing deals with some unexpected bad tag data
  • turned on primitive high-dpi support for OS X. let me know if it fixes any blurry issues on retina displays
  • wrote a new 'ui test' under the debug->gui menu to help catch common-action bugs that slipped through weekly work
  • improved how the test code does some wx/ui stuff, but also broke some more and ran out of time to clean it up--this is an ongoing project
  • improved how some text import line splitting works
  • misc fixes

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