- added file lookup scripts suggested tags control and appropriate options panel
- added final bit of gui->filelookup script->content update pipeline conversion and tie-in code
- moved all the suggested tag options into a notebook
- added notebook layout for suggested tag control columns. it is now the default
- suggested tag columns now have a unified set width
- the parsing ui's add script and node buttons now spawn menus rather than the awkward listofstrings dialog
- added 'iqdb danbooru' file lookup script. it hangs the ui pretty bad atm, but that will change in future
- fixed a critical pyinstaller problem with the os x builds
- log files will now be appending with 'year-month', and will roll over to a new file as the month turns
- help->about dialog now has some library version information
- converted more menu stuff to the new system
- wrote the guts of a new png-based object sharing system
- dropdown choices are more resistant to missing init and invalid defaults
- tweaked some disk cache maintenance timing
- fixed a multi-version update bug regarding external thumbnail paths not being initalised
- misc cleanup
- misc cleanup, improvements