github hydrusnetwork/hydrus v222
Version 222

latest releases: v612, v611, v610...
8 years ago
  • created a 'raw url' downloader page that just downloads urls and tries to import the result. it has a 'paste urls' button to make mass import of a list of urls easy
  • fixed an options update bug when updating to v221 from any version before v220
  • added support for 'ftypqt' quicktime (usually .mov) video
  • embed button now uses system gui colours
  • embed button now puts the thumbnail of the media, if one exists, behind the 'play' button
  • sped up an inefficient existing mapping check that was slowing new pending mappings for popular tags
  • 'last session' will no longer be listed on the gui session delete menu
  • cleaned up the main gui's initialisation events--a sizing bug often triggered after system reboot may be fixed
  • popup messages are initialised in a safer way
  • popup messages are dismissed in a safer way
  • popup messages will hide/restore themselves more reliably when the main gui window is minimised/restored
  • the pending popup message queue is now regularly purged of already deleted messages
  • new popup messages will no longer raise the main gui window to the top
  • subscription http errors during the gallery sync phase are now caught and handled gracefully, with exact error text written quietly to the log
  • network timeouts during successful response read are caught and converted to a hydrus network exception that will be caught and handled more reliably up the chain
  • the client's upnp daemon will now silence upnp mapping errors that are due to the router being too busy or full or any other unknown errors. a simple statement about the error and an instruction to explore the problem with the manual upnp manager will be written to the log
  • finished flexgrid refactoring
  • the new automatic flexgrid creation detects subsizers and lines them up more accurately with standard controls
  • wrapped the different sections of the 'speed and memory' options panel into staticboxes
  • wraped the misc crap up top the 'tags' options panel into a neater staticbox
  • taglists with unusual tags will copy them more reliably and present fewer invalid menu options
  • misc layout fixes

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