github hultenvp/solis-sensor v2.3.3
Revert workaround and ignore old inverters

latest releases: v3.5.2, v3.5.1, v3.5.0...
21 months ago

What's Changed

  • This release reverts the workaround for Daily on grid energy. If you want to disable the workaround you can now do that by editing the workarounds.yaml in custom_components/solis and restarting HA.
    • 141 entity is non numeric sensor my solis inverter ac output total power by @hultenvp in #148
  • Inverters that are stale for more than 48h are ignored during discovery. This resolves issues where old configs blocked updating of sensors.
  • Added link to wiki in readme.

Full Changelog: v2.3.2...v2.3.3

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