github hugo-fixit/FixIt v0.3.7

latest release: v0.3.8
one month ago

v0.3.7 - 2024-05-21

Recommended reading: Open Custom Blocks | 开放的自定义块

What's Changed

💥 Breaking Changes

  • 🚚 Feat: the parameter params.customFilePath and params.footer.custom is deprecated since v0.3.7, use layouts/partials/custom.html instead 71e855a by @Lruihao

🎉 New Features

  • 🎉 Feat: add douyin shortcode support d7c0636 by @Lruihao
  • ✨ Feat: add unified custom template entry file layouts/partials/custom.html eb0acca by @Lruihao

✨ Enhancements

  • ✨ Feat: Add a custom domain setting option for Giscus, configured at by @LoongmaSpirit in #442
  • 🔍 Feat: add default size for images aa68514 by @Lruihao

📝 Documentation

Full Changelog: v0.3.6...v0.3.7

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