github huggingface/transformers v4.36.0
v4.36: Mixtral, Llava/BakLlava, SeamlessM4T v2, AMD ROCm, F.sdpa wide-spread support

latest releases: v4.44.2, v4.44.1, v4.44.0...
9 months ago

New model additions


Mixtral is the new open-source model from Mistral AI announced by the blogpost Mixtral of Experts. The model has been proven to have comparable capabilities to Chat-GPT according to the benchmark results shared on the release blogpost.

The architecture is a sparse Mixture of Experts with Top-2 routing strategy, similar as NllbMoe architecture in transformers. You can use it through AutoModelForCausalLM interface:

>>> import torch
>>> from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

>>> model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B", torch_dtype=torch.float16, device_map="auto")
>>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("mistralai/Mistral-8x7B")

>>> prompt = "My favourite condiment is"

>>> model_inputs = tokenizer([prompt], return_tensors="pt").to(device)

>>> generated_ids = model.generate(**model_inputs, max_new_tokens=100, do_sample=True)
>>> tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_ids)[0]

The model is compatible with existing optimisation tools such Flash Attention 2, bitsandbytes and PEFT library. The checkpoints are release under mistralai organisation on the Hugging Face Hub.

Llava / BakLlava

Llava is an open-source chatbot trained by fine-tuning LlamA/Vicuna on GPT-generated multimodal instruction-following data. It is an auto-regressive language model, based on the transformer architecture. In other words, it is an multi-modal version of LLMs fine-tuned for chat / instructions.

The Llava model was proposed in Improved Baselines with Visual Instruction Tuning by Haotian Liu, Chunyuan Li, Yuheng Li and Yong Jae Lee.

The integration also includes BakLlava which is a Llava model trained with Mistral backbone.

The mode is compatible with "image-to-text" pipeline:

from transformers import pipeline
from PIL import Image    
import requests

model_id = "llava-hf/llava-1.5-7b-hf"
pipe = pipeline("image-to-text", model=model_id)
url = ""

image =, stream=True).raw)
prompt = "USER: <image>\nWhat does the label 15 represent? (1) lava (2) core (3) tunnel (4) ash cloud\nASSISTANT:"

outputs = pipe(image, prompt=prompt, generate_kwargs={"max_new_tokens": 200})

And you can find all Llava weights under llava-hf organisation on the Hub.

SeamlessM4T v2

SeamlessM4T-v2 is a collection of models designed to provide high quality translation, allowing people from different linguistic communities to communicate effortlessly through speech and text. It is an improvement on the previous version and was proposed in Seamless: Multilingual Expressive and Streaming Speech Translation by the Seamless Communication team from Meta AI.

For more details on the differences between v1 and v2, refer to section Difference with SeamlessM4T-v1.

SeamlessM4T enables multiple tasks without relying on separate models:

  • Speech-to-speech translation (S2ST)
  • Speech-to-text translation (S2TT)
  • Text-to-speech translation (T2ST)
  • Text-to-text translation (T2TT)
  • Automatic speech recognition (ASR)


The PatchTST model was proposed in A Time Series is Worth 64 Words: Long-term Forecasting with Transformers by Yuqi Nie, Nam H. Nguyen, Phanwadee Sinthong and Jayant Kalagnanam.

At a high level, the model vectorizes time series into patches of a given size and encodes the resulting sequence of vectors via a Transformer that then outputs the prediction length forecast via an appropriate head. The model is illustrated in the following figure:



The PatchTSMixer model was proposed in TSMixer: Lightweight MLP-Mixer Model for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting by Vijay Ekambaram, Arindam Jati, Nam Nguyen, Phanwadee Sinthong and Jayant Kalagnanam.

PatchTSMixer is a lightweight time-series modeling approach based on the MLP-Mixer architecture. In this HuggingFace implementation, we provide PatchTSMixer’s capabilities to effortlessly facilitate lightweight mixing across patches, channels, and hidden features for effective multivariate time-series modeling. It also supports various attention mechanisms starting from simple gated attention to more complex self-attention blocks that can be customized accordingly. The model can be pretrained and subsequently used for various downstream tasks such as forecasting, classification and regression.


The CLVP (Contrastive Language-Voice Pretrained Transformer) model was proposed in Better speech synthesis through scaling by James Betker.


The Phi-1 model was proposed in Textbooks Are All You Need by Suriya Gunasekar, Yi Zhang, Jyoti Aneja, Caio César Teodoro Mendes, Allie Del Giorno, Sivakanth Gopi, Mojan Javaheripi, Piero Kauffmann, Gustavo de Rosa, Olli Saarikivi, Adil Salim, Shital Shah, Harkirat Singh Behl, Xin Wang, Sébastien Bubeck, Ronen Eldan, Adam Tauman Kalai, Yin Tat Lee and Yuanzhi Li.

The Phi-1.5 model was proposed in Textbooks Are All You Need II: phi-1.5 technical report by Yuanzhi Li, Sébastien Bubeck, Ronen Eldan, Allie Del Giorno, Suriya Gunasekar and Yin Tat Lee.


The text-visual prompting (TVP) framework was proposed in the paper Text-Visual Prompting for Efficient 2D Temporal Video Grounding by Yimeng Zhang, Xin Chen, Jinghan Jia, Sijia Liu, Ke Ding.

This research addresses temporal video grounding (TVG), which is the process of pinpointing the start and end times of specific events in a long video, as described by a text sentence. Text-visual prompting (TVP), is proposed to enhance TVG. TVP involves integrating specially designed patterns, known as ‘prompts’, into both the visual (image-based) and textual (word-based) input components of a TVG model. These prompts provide additional spatial-temporal context, improving the model’s ability to accurately determine event timings in the video. The approach employs 2D visual inputs in place of 3D ones. Although 3D inputs offer more spatial-temporal detail, they are also more time-consuming to process. The use of 2D inputs with the prompting method aims to provide similar levels of context and accuracy more efficiently.

DINOv2 depth estimation

Depth estimation is added to the DINO v2 implementation.

ROCm support for AMD GPUs

AMD's ROCm GPU architecture is now supported across the board and fully tested in our CI with MI210/MI250 GPUs. We further enable specific hardware acceleration for ROCm in Transformers, such as Flash Attention 2, GPTQ quantization and DeepSpeed.

PyTorch scaled_dot_product_attention native support

PyTorch's torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention operator is now supported in the most-used Transformers models and used by default when using torch>=2.1.1, allowing to dispatch on memory-efficient attention and Flash Attention backend implementations with no other package than torch required. This should significantly speed up attention computation on hardware that that supports these fastpath.

While Transformers automatically handles the dispatch to use SDPA when available, it is possible to force the usage of a given attention implementation ("eager" being the manual implementation, where each operation is implemented step by step):

# or `attn_implementation="sdpa", or `attn_implementation="flash_attention_2"`
model = AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-tiny", attn_implementation="eager")

Training benchmark, run on A100-SXM4-80GB.

Model Batch size Sequence length Time per batch ("eager", s) Time per batch ("sdpa", s) Speedup Peak memory ("eager", MB) Peak memory ("sdpa", MB) Memory savings
llama2 7b 4 1024 1.065 0.90 19.4% 73878.28 45977.81 60.7%
llama2 7b 4 2048 OOM 1.87 / OOM 78394.58 SDPA does not OOM
llama2 7b 1 2048 0.64 0.48 32.0% 55557.01 29795.63 86.4%
llama2 7b 1 3072 OOM 0.75 / OOM 37916.08 SDPA does not OOM
llama2 7b 1 4096 OOM 1.03 / OOM 46028.14 SDPA does not OOM
llama2 7b 2 4096 OOM 2.05 / OOM 78428.14 SDPA does not OOM

Inference benchmark, run on A100-SXM4-80GB.

Model Batch size Prompt length Num new tokens Per token latency "eager" (ms) Per token latency "sdpa" (ms) Speedup
llama2 13b 1 1024 1 (prefill) 178.66 159.36 12.11%
llama2 13b 1 100 100 40.35 37.62 7.28%
llama2 13b 8 100 100 40.55 38.06 6.53%
Whisper v3 large 1 / 62 20.05 18.90 6.10%
Whisper v3 large 8 / 77 25.42 24.77 2.59%
Whisper v3 large 16 / 77 28.51 26.32 8.34%

New Cache abstraction & Attention Sinks support

We are rolling out a new abstraction for the past_key_values cache, which enables the use of different types of caches. For now, only llama and llama-inspired architectures (mistral, persimmon, phi) support it, with other architectures scheduled to have support in the next release. By default, a growing cache (DynamicCache) is used, which preserves the existing behavior.

This release also includes a new SinkCache cache, which implements the Attention Sinks paper. With SinkCache, the model is able to continue generating high-quality text well beyond its training sequence length! Note that it does not expand the context window, so it can’t digest very long inputs — it is suited for streaming applications such as multi-round dialogues. Check this colab for an example.


  • Generate: New Cache abstraction and Attention Sinks support by @tomaarsen in #26681
  • Generate: SinkCache can handle iterative prompts by @gante in #27907

Safetensors as a default

We continue toggling features enabling safetensors as a default across the board, in PyTorch, Flax, and TensorFlow.
When using PyTorch model and forcing the load of safetensors file with use_safetensors=True, if the repository does not contain the safetensors files, they will now be converted on-the-fly server-side.

Breaking changes

pickle files

We now disallow the use of pickle.load internally for security purposes. To circumvent this, you can use the TRUST_REMOTE_CODE=True command to indicate that you would still like to load it.

  • 🚨🚨🚨 Disallow pickle.load unless TRUST_REMOTE_CODE=True by @ydshieh in #27776

Beam score calculation for decoder-only models

In the previous implementation of beam search, when length_penalty is active, the beam score for decoder-only models was penalized by the total length of both prompt and generated sequence. However, the length of prompt should not be included in the penalization step -- this release fixes it.

  • 🚨🚨 Fix beam score calculation issue for decoder-only models by @VsonicV in #27351

Slight API changes/corrections

  • ⚠️ [VitDet] Fix test by @NielsRogge in #27832
  • [⚠️ removed a default argument] Make AttentionMaskConverter compatible with torch.compile(..., fullgraph=True) by @fxmarty in #27868

Bugfixes and improvements

  • Enrich TTS pipeline parameters naming by @ylacombe in #26473
  • translate to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27215
  • Removed the redundant SiLUActivation class. by @hi-sushanta in #27136
  • Fixed base model class name extraction from PeftModels by @kkteru in #27162
  • Fuyu protection by @LysandreJik in #27248
  • Refactor: Use Llama RoPE implementation for Falcon by @tomaarsen in #26933
  • [PEFT / Tests ] Fix peft integration failing tests by @younesbelkada in #27258
  • Avoid many failing tests in doctesting by @ydshieh in #27262
  • [docs] Custom model doc update by @MKhalusova in #27213
  • Update the ConversationalPipeline docstring for chat templates by @Rocketknight1 in #27250
  • Fix switch transformer mixed precision issue by @timlee0212 in #27220
  • [Docs / SAM ] Reflect correct changes to run inference without OOM by @younesbelkada in #27268
  • [Docs] Model_doc structure/clarity improvements by @MKhalusova in #26876
  • [FA2] Add flash attention for for DistilBert by @susnato in #26489
  • translate autoclass_tutorial to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27269
  • translate to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27246
  • Fix tokenizer export for LLamaTokenizerFast by @mayank31398 in #27222
  • Fix daily CI image build by @ydshieh in #27307
  • Update doctest workflow file by @ydshieh in #27306
  • Remove an unexpected argument for FlaxResNetBasicLayerCollection by @pingzhili in #27272
  • enable memory tracker metrics for npu by @statelesshz in #27280
  • [PretrainedTokenizer] add some of the most important functions to the doc by @ArthurZucker in #27313
  • Update by @akshayvkt in #27281
  • Fix VideoMAEforPretrained dtype error by @ikergarcia1996 in #27296
  • Fix Kosmos2Processor batch mode by @ydshieh in #27323
  • [docs] fixed links with 404 by @MKhalusova in #27327
  • [Whisper] Block language/task args for English-only by @sanchit-gandhi in #27322
  • Fix autoawq docker image by @younesbelkada in #27339
  • Generate: skip tests on unsupported models instead of passing by @gante in #27265
  • Fix Whisper Conversion Script: Correct decoder_attention_heads and _download function by @zuazo in #26834
  • [FA2] Add flash attention for GPT-Neo by @susnato in #26486
  • [Whisper] Add conversion script for the tokenizer by @ArthurZucker in #27338
  • Remove a redundant variable. by @hi-sushanta in #27288
  • Resolve AttributeError by utilizing device calculation at the start of the forward function by @folbaeni in #27347
  • Remove padding_masks from gpt_bigcode. by @susnato in #27348
  • [Whisper] Nit converting the tokenizer by @ArthurZucker in #27349
  • FIx Bark batching feature by @ylacombe in #27271
  • Allow scheduler parameters by @Plemeur in #26480
  • translate the en to Chinese by @ZouJiu1 in #27291
  • translate and to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27283
  • Add numpy alternative to FE using torchaudio by @ylacombe in #26339
  • moving example of benchmarking to legacy dir by @statelesshz in #27337
  • Fix example tests from failing by @muellerzr in #27353
  • Fix Kosmos-2 device issue by @ydshieh in #27346
  • MusicGen Update by @sanchit-gandhi in #27084
  • Translate to Turkish by @mertyyanik in #27093
  • Remove unused param from example script tests by @muellerzr in #27354
  • [Flax Whisper] large-v3 compatibility by @sanchit-gandhi in #27360
  • Fix tiny model script: not using from_pt=True by @ydshieh in #27372
  • translate and to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27334
  • Add Flash Attention 2 support to Bark by @ylacombe in #27364
  • Update deprecated torch.range in by @kit1980 in #27355
  • translate to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27374
  • Smangrul/fix failing ds ci tests by @pacman100 in #27358
  • [CodeLlamaTokenizer] Nit, update init to make sure the AddedTokens are not normalized because they are special by @ArthurZucker in #27359
  • Change thresh in test by @muellerzr in #27378
  • Put doctest options back to pyproject.toml by @ydshieh in #27366
  • Skip failing cache call tests by @amyeroberts in #27393
  • device-agnostic deepspeed testing by @statelesshz in #27342
  • Adds dvclive callback by @dberenbaum in #27352
  • use pytest.mark directly by @ydshieh in #27390
  • Fix fuyu checkpoint repo in FuyuConfig by @ydshieh in #27399
  • Use editable install for git deps by @muellerzr in #27404
  • Final fix of the accelerate installation issue by @ydshieh in #27408
  • Fix RequestCounter to make it more future-proof by @Wauplin in #27406
  • remove failing tests and clean FE files by @ylacombe in #27414
  • Fix Owlv2 checkpoint name and a default value in Owlv2VisionConfig by @ydshieh in #27402
  • Run all tests if circleci/ is modified by @ydshieh in #27413
  • add attention_mask and position_ids in assisted model by @jiqing-feng in #26892
  • [Quantization] Add str to enum conversion for AWQ by @younesbelkada in #27320
  • update Bark FA2 docs by @ylacombe in #27400
  • [AttentionMaskConverter] ]Fix-mask-inf by @ArthurZucker in #27114
  • At most 2 GPUs for CI by @ydshieh in #27435
  • Normalize floating point cast by @amyeroberts in #27249
  • Make examples_torch_job faster by @ydshieh in #27437
  • Fix line ending in utils/not_doctested.txt by @ydshieh in #27459
  • Fix some Wav2Vec2 related models' doctest by @ydshieh in #27462
  • Fixed typo in error message by @cmcmaster1 in #27461
  • Remove-auth-token by @ArthurZucker in #27060
  • [Llama + Mistral] Add attention dropout by @ArthurZucker in #27315
  • OWLv2: bug fix in post_process_object_detection() when using cuda device by @assafbot in #27468
  • Fix docstring for gradient_checkpointing_kwargs by @tomaszcichy98 in #27470
  • Install python-Levenshtein for nougat in CI image by @ydshieh in #27465
  • Add version check for Jinja by @Rocketknight1 in #27403
  • Fix Falcon tokenizer loading in pipeline by @Rocketknight1 in #27316
  • [AWQ ] Addresses TODO for awq tests by @younesbelkada in #27467
  • Perf torch compile by @jiaqiw09 in #27422
  • Fixed typo in documentation by @adismort14 in #27455
  • Fix FA2 import + deprecation cycle by @SunMarc in #27330
  • [Peft] modules_to_save support for peft integration by @younesbelkada in #27466
  • [CI-test_torch] skip test_tf_from_pt_safetensors for 4 models by @ArthurZucker in #27481
  • Fix M4T weights tying by @ylacombe in #27395
  • Add speecht5 batch generation and fix wrong attention mask when padding by @Spycsh in #25943
  • Clap processor: remove wasteful np.stack operations by @m-bain in #27454
  • [Whisper] Fix pipeline test by @sanchit-gandhi in #27442
  • Revert "[time series] Add PatchTST by @amyeroberts in #25927)"
  • translate and to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27431
  • Generate: fix ExponentialDecayLengthPenalty doctest by @gante in #27485
  • Update and reorder docs for chat templates by @Rocketknight1 in #27443
  • Generate: GenerationConfig.from_pretrained can return unused kwargs by @gante in #27488
  • Minor type annotation fix by @vwxyzjn in #27276
  • Have seq2seq just use gather by @muellerzr in #27025
  • Update processor mapping for hub snippets by @amyeroberts in #27477
  • Track the number of tokens seen to metrics by @muellerzr in #27274
  • [CI-test_torch] skip test_tf_from_pt_safetensors and test_assisted_decoding_sample by @ArthurZucker in #27508
  • [Fuyu] Add tests by @NielsRogge in #27001
  • [Table Transformer] Add Transformers-native checkpoints by @NielsRogge in #26928
  • Update spelling mistake by @LimJing7 in #27506
  • [CircleCI] skip test_assisted_decoding_sample for everyone by @ArthurZucker in #27511
  • Make some jobs run on the GitHub Actions runners by @ydshieh in #27512
  • [tokenizers] update tokenizers version pin by @ArthurZucker in #27494
  • [ PretrainedConfig] Improve messaging by @ArthurZucker in #27438
  • Fix wav2vec2 params by @muellerzr in #27515
  • Translating en/model_doc docs to Japanese. by @Yuki-Imajuku in #27401
  • Fixing the failure of models without max_position_embeddings attribute. by @AdamLouly in #27499
  • Incorrect setting for num_beams in translation and summarization examples by @Rocketknight1 in #27519
  • Fix bug for T5x to PyTorch convert script with varying encoder and decoder layers by @JamesJiang97 in #27448
  • Fix offload disk for loading derivated model checkpoint into base model by @SunMarc in #27253
  • translate to chinese by @statelesshz in #27518
  • Support ONNX export for causal LM sequence classifiers by @dwyatte in #27450
  • [pytest] Avoid flash attn test marker warning by @ArthurZucker in #27509
  • docs: add docs for map, and add num procs to load_dataset by @pphuc25 in #27520
  • Update the TF pin for 2.15 by @Rocketknight1 in #27375
  • Revert "add attention_mask and position_ids in assisted model" by @patrickvonplaten in #27523
  • Set usedforsecurity=False in hashlib methods (FIPS compliance) by @Wauplin in #27483
  • Raise error when quantizing a quantized model by @SunMarc in #27500
  • Disable docker image build job latest-pytorch-amd for now by @ydshieh in #27541
  • [Styling] stylify using ruff by @ArthurZucker in #27144
  • Generate: improve assisted generation tests by @gante in #27540
  • Updated doc for ALBERT model by @ENate in #27223
  • translate to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27527
  • Skip some fuyu tests by @ydshieh in #27553
  • Fix AMD CI not showing GPU by @ydshieh in #27555
  • Generate: fix flaky tests by @gante in #27543
  • Generate: update compute transition scores doctest by @gante in #27558
  • fixed broken link by @VpkPrasanna in #27560
  • Broken links fixed related to datasets docs by @VpkPrasanna in #27569
  • translate to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27495
  • Fix broken distilbert url by @osanseviero in #27579
  • Adding leaky relu in dict ACT2CLS by @rafaelpadilla in #27574
  • Fix idx2sym not loaded from pretrained vocab file in Transformer XL by @jtang98 in #27589
  • Add script to Whisper documentation resources by @zuazo in #27590
  • docs: fix 404 link by @panpan0000 in #27529
  • [ examples] fix loading jsonl with load dataset in run translation example by @mathiasesn in #26924
  • [FA-2] Add fa2 support for from_config by @younesbelkada in #26914
  • timm to pytorch conversion for vit model fix by @staghado in #26908
  • [Whisper] Add large-v3 version support by @flyingleafe in #27336
  • Update Korean tutorial for using LLMs, and refactor the nested conditional statements in by @YeonwooSung in #27489
  • Fix torch.fx import issue for torch 1.12 by @amyeroberts in #27570
  • dvclive callback: warn instead of fail when logging non-scalars by @dberenbaum in #27608
  • [core / gradient_checkpointing] add support for old GC method by @younesbelkada in #27610
  • [ConvNext] Improve backbone by @NielsRogge in #27621
  • Generate: Update docs regarding reusing past_key_values in generate by @gante in #27612
  • Idefics: Fix information leak with cross attention gate in modeling by @leot13 in #26839
  • Fix flash attention bugs with Mistral and Falcon by @fxmarty in #27625
  • Fix tracing dinov2 by @amyeroberts in #27561
  • remove the deprecated method init_git_repo by @statelesshz in #27617
  • Explicitely specify use_cache=True in Flash Attention tests by @fxmarty in #27635
  • Harmonize HF environment variables + other cleaning by @Wauplin in #27564
  • Fix resize_token_embeddings by @czy-orange in #26861)
  • [dependency] update pillow pins by @ArthurZucker in #27409
  • Simplify the implementation of jitter noise in moe models by @jiangwangyi in #27643
  • Fix max_steps documentation regarding the end-of-training condition by @qgallouedec in #27624
  • [Whisper] Add sequential longform decoding by @patrickvonplaten in #27492
  • Add UnivNet Vocoder Model for Tortoise TTS Diffusers Integration by @dg845 in #24799
  • update Openai API call method by @Strive-for-excellence in #27628
  • update d_kv'annotation in mt5'configuration by @callanwu in #27585
  • [FA2] Add flash attention for opt by @susnato in #26414
  • Extended semantic segmentation to image segmentation by @merveenoyan in #27039
  • Update TVP arxiv link by @amyeroberts in #27672
  • [DPT, Dinov2] Add resources by @NielsRogge in #27655
  • Update tiny model summary file by @ydshieh in #27388
  • Refactoring Trainer, adds save_only_model arg and simplifying FSDP integration by @pacman100 in #27652
  • Skip pipeline tests for 2 models for now by @ydshieh in #27687
  • Deprecate TransfoXL by @ydshieh in #27607
  • Fix typo in warning message by @liuxueyang in #27055
  • Docs/Add conversion code to the musicgen docs by @yoinked-h in #27665
  • Fix semantic error in evaluation section by @anihm136 in #27675
  • [DocString] Support a revision in the docstring add_code_sample_docstrings to facilitate integrations by @ArthurZucker in #27645
  • Successfully Resolved The ZeroDivisionError Exception. by @hi-sushanta in #27524
  • Fix TVPModelTest by @ydshieh in #27695
  • Fix sliding_window hasattr in Mistral by @IlyaGusev in #27041
  • Fix Past CI by @ydshieh in #27696
  • fix warning by @ArthurZucker in #27689
  • Reorder the code on the Hub to explicit that sharing on the Hub isn't a requirement by @LysandreJik in #27691
  • Fix mistral generate for long prompt / response by @lorabit110 in #27548
  • Fix oneformer instance segmentation RuntimeError by @yhshin11 in #27725
  • fix assisted decoding assistant model inputs by @jiqing-feng in #27503
  • Update forward signature test for vision models by @NielsRogge in #27681
  • Modify group_sub_entities in TokenClassification Pipeline to support label with "-" by @eshoyuan in #27325
  • Fix owlv2 code snippet by @NielsRogge in #27698
  • docs: replace by torchrun by @panpan0000 in #27528
  • Update chat template warnings/guides by @Rocketknight1 in #27634
  • translation main-class files to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27588
  • Translate en/model_doc to JP by @rajveer43 in #27264
  • Fixed passing scheduler-specific kwargs via TrainingArguments lr_scheduler_kwargs by @CharbelAD in #27595
  • Fix AMD Push CI not triggered by @ydshieh in #27732
  • Add BeitBackbone by @NielsRogge in #25952
  • Update tiny model creation script by @ydshieh in #27674
  • Log a warning in TransfoXLTokenizer.__init__ by @ydshieh in #27721
  • Add madlad-400 MT models by @jbochi in #27471
  • Enforce pin memory disabling when using cpu only by @qgallouedec in #27745
  • Trigger corresponding pipeline tests if tests/utils/tiny_model_summary.json is modified by @ydshieh in #27693
  • CLVP Fixes by @susnato in #27547
  • Docs: Fix broken cross-references, i.e. ~transformer. -> ~transformers. by @tomaarsen in #27740
  • [docs] Quantization by @stevhliu in #27641
  • Fix precision errors from casting rotary parameters to FP16 with AMP by @kevinhu in #27700
  • Remove check_runner_status.yml by @ydshieh in #27767
  • uses dvclive_test mode in examples/pytorch/ by @dberenbaum in #27763
  • Generate: GenerationConfig throws an exception when generate args are passed by @gante in #27757
  • Fix unsupported setting of self._n_gpu in training_args on XPU devices by @Liangliang-Ma in #27716
  • [SeamlessM4Tv2] Fix links in README by @xenova in #27782
  • [i18n-fr] Translate installation to French by @NoB0 in #27657
  • Fixes for PatchTST Config by @wgifford in #27777
  • Better error message for bitsandbytes import by @SunMarc in #27764
  • [MusicGen] Fix audio channel attribute by @sanchit-gandhi in #27440
  • [JAX] Replace uses of jax.devices("cpu") with jax.local_devices(backend="cpu") by @hvaara in #27593
  • Improve forward signature test by @NielsRogge in #27729
  • Fix typo in max_length deprecation warnings by @siegeln in #27788
  • Add persistent_workers parameter to TrainingArguments by @Sorrow321 in #27189
  • [ModelOnTheFlyConversionTester] Mark as slow for now by @ArthurZucker in #27823
  • Fix TvpModelIntegrationTests by @ydshieh in #27792
  • Fix Owlv2ModelIntegrationTest::test_inference_object_detection by @ydshieh in #27793
  • Keypoints 0.0 are confusing ../transformers/models/detr/ which are fixed by @hackpk in #26250
  • [Seamless v1] Link to v2 docs by @sanchit-gandhi in #27827
  • [Whisper] Fix doctest in timestamp logits processor by @sanchit-gandhi in #27795
  • Added test cases for rembert refering to albert and reformer test_tok… by @nileshkokane01 in #27637
  • [Hot-Fix][XLA] Re-enable broken _tpu_save for XLATensors by @yeounoh in #27799
  • single word should be set to False by @ArthurZucker in #27738
  • [Seamless v2] Add FE to auto mapping by @sanchit-gandhi in #27829
  • translate internal folder files to chinese by @jiaqiw09 in #27638
  • Translate en/tasks folder docs to Japanese 🇯🇵 by @rajveer43 in #27098
  • pin ruff==0.1.5 by @ydshieh in #27849
  • Make image processors more general by @NielsRogge in #27690
  • Faster generation using AWQ + Fused modules by @younesbelkada in #27411
  • Generate: Update VisionEncoderDecoder test value by @gante in #27850
  • [ClipVision] accelerate support for clip-vision by @younesbelkada in #27851
  • Add Llama Flax Implementation by @vvvm23 in #24587
  • Move tensors to same device to enable IDEFICS naive MP training by @willemsenbram in #27746
  • Update VitDetModelTester.get_config to use pretrain_image_size by @ydshieh in #27831
  • fix(whisper): mutable generation config by @badayvedat in #27833
  • Documentation: Spanish translation of perplexity.mdx by @aaronjimv in #27807
  • [Docs] Update broken image on fused modules by @younesbelkada in #27856
  • Update CUDA versions for DeepSpeed by @muellerzr in #27853
  • removed the delete doc workflows by @MKhalusova in #27852
  • Avoid class attribute _keep_in_fp32_modules being modified by @ydshieh in #27867
  • [Flash Attention 2] Add flash attention 2 for GPT-Neo-X by @younesbelkada in #26463
  • Translating en/model_doc folder docs to Japanese(from blip to clap) 🇯🇵 by @rajveer43 in #27673
  • Fix beam score calculation issue for JAX version by @VsonicV in #27816
  • Fix bug of _prepare_4d_attention_mask by @jiqing-feng in #27847
  • [i18n-fr] Translate autoclass tutorial to French by @NoB0 in #27659
  • [FA-2] Add Flash Attention to Phi by @susnato in #27661
  • fix: fix gradient accumulate step for learning rate by @pphuc25 in #27667
  • Allow # Ignore copy by @ydshieh in #27328
  • update create_model_card to properly save peft details when using Trainer with PEFT by @pacman100 in #27754
  • update version of warning notification for get_default_device to v4.38 by @statelesshz in #27848
  • Fix device of masks in tests by @fxmarty in #27887
  • Show new failing tests in a more clear way in slack report by @ydshieh in #27881
  • Fix TF loading PT safetensors when weights are tied by @Rocketknight1 in #27490
  • Generate: All logits processors are documented and have examples by @gante in #27796
  • [docs] Custom semantic segmentation dataset by @stevhliu in #27859
  • Updates the distributed CPU training documentation to add instructions for running on a Kubernetes cluster by @dmsuehir in #27780
  • Translate model_doc files from clip to cpm to JP by @rajveer43 in #27774
  • Fix: Raise informative exception when prefix_allowed_tokens_fn return empty set of tokens by @Saibo-creator in #27797
  • Added passing parameters to "reduce_lr_on_plateau" scheduler by @CharbelAD in #27860
  • fix: non-atomic checkpoint save by @thundergolfer in #27820
  • Fix beam score calculation issue for Tensorflow version by @VsonicV in #27814
  • Fix remaining issues in beam score calculation by @VsonicV in #27808
  • Fix CLAP converting script by @ylacombe in #27153
  • mark test_initialization as flaky in 2 model tests by @ydshieh in #27906
  • Fix by @ydshieh in #27903
  • Fix 2 tests in FillMaskPipelineTests by @ydshieh in #27889
  • Llama conversion script: adjustments for Llama Guard by @pcuenca in #27910
  • fix llava by @ArthurZucker in #27909
  • Allow resume_from_checkpoint to handle auto_find_batch_size by @muellerzr in #27568
  • [Doc] Spanish translation of by @aaronjimv in #27890
  • fix typo in Wwhether -> Whether by @zhc7 in #27899
  • [CLAP] Replace hard-coded batch size to enable dynamic ONNX export by @xenova in #27790
  • [integration] Update Ray Tune integration for Ray 2.7 by @justinvyu in #26499
  • Fix typo by @f4hy in #27918
  • [DETA] fix backbone freeze/unfreeze function by @SangbumChoi in #27843

Significant community contributions

The following contributors have made significant changes to the library over the last release:

  • @jiaqiw09
    • translate to chinese (#27215)
    • translate autoclass_tutorial to chinese (#27269)
    • translate to chinese (#27246)
    • translate and to chinese (#27283)
    • translate and to chinese (#27334)
    • translate to chinese (#27374)
    • Perf torch compile (#27422)
    • translate and to chinese (#27431)
    • translate to chinese (#27527)
    • translate to chinese (#27495)
    • translation main-class files to chinese (#27588)
    • translate internal folder files to chinese (#27638)
  • @susnato
    • [FA2] Add flash attention for for DistilBert (#26489)
    • [FA2] Add flash attention for GPT-Neo (#26486)
    • Remove padding_masks from gpt_bigcode. (#27348)
    • Add CLVP (#24745)
    • Add Phi-1 and Phi-1_5 (#26170)
    • [FA2] Add flash attention for opt (#26414)
    • CLVP Fixes (#27547)
    • [FA-2] Add Flash Attention to Phi (#27661)
  • @jiqing-feng
    • add attention_mask and position_ids in assisted model (#26892)
    • TVP model (#25856)
    • fix assisted decoding assistant model inputs (#27503)
    • Fix bug of _prepare_4d_attention_mask (#27847)
  • @psinthong
    • [time series] Add PatchTST (#25927)
  • @Yuki-Imajuku
    • Translating en/model_doc docs to Japanese. (#27401)
  • @dg845
    • Add UnivNet Vocoder Model for Tortoise TTS Diffusers Integration (#24799)
  • @rajveer43
    • Translate en/model_doc to JP (#27264)
    • Translate en/tasks folder docs to Japanese 🇯🇵 (#27098)
    • Translating en/model_doc folder docs to Japanese(from blip to clap) 🇯🇵 (#27673)
    • Translate model_doc files from clip to cpm to JP (#27774)
  • @NoB0
    • [i18n-fr] Translate installation to French (#27657)
    • [i18n-fr] Translate autoclass tutorial to French (#27659)
  • @ajati
    • [Time series] Add PatchTSMixer (#26247)
  • @vvvm23
    • Add Llama Flax Implementation (#24587)

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