github huggingface/pytorch-image-models v0.8.6dev0
v0.8.6dev0 Release

latest releases: v1.0.7, v1.0.3, v0.9.16...
pre-release17 months ago

Jan 11, 2023

  • Update ConvNeXt ImageNet-12k pretrain series w/ two new fine-tuned weights (and pre FT .in12k tags)
    • convnext_nano.in12k_ft_in1k - 82.3 @ 224, 82.9 @ 288 (previously released)
    • convnext_tiny.in12k_ft_in1k - 84.2 @ 224, 84.5 @ 288
    • convnext_small.in12k_ft_in1k - 85.2 @ 224, 85.3 @ 288

Jan 6, 2023

  • Finally got around to adding --model-kwargs and --opt-kwargs to scripts to pass through rare args directly to model classes from cmd line
    • /imagenet --model resnet50 --amp --model-kwargs output_stride=16 act_layer=silu
    • /imagenet --model vit_base_patch16_clip_224 --img-size 240 --amp --model-kwargs img_size=240 patch_size=12
  • Cleanup some popular models to better support arg passthrough / merge with model configs, more to go.

Jan 5, 2023

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