github huggingface/huggingface_hub v0.8.1
v0.8.1: lazy loading, git-aware cache file layout, new create_commit

latest releases: v0.26.2, v0.26.1, v0.26.0...
2 years ago

Git-aware cache file layout

v0.8.1 introduces a new way of caching files from the Hugging Face Hub, to two methods: snapshot_download and hf_hub_download.
The new approach is extensively documented in the Documenting files guide and we recommend checking it out to get a better understanding of how caching works.

New create_commit API

A new create_commit API allows users to upload and delete several files at once using HTTP-based methods. You can read more about it in this guide. The following convenience methods were also introduced:

  • upload_folder: Allows uploading a local directory to a repo.
  • delete_file allows deleting a single file from a repo.

upload_file now uses create_commit under the hood.

create_commit also allows creating pull requests with a create_pr=True flag.

None of the methods rely on Git locally.

Lazy loading

All modules will now be lazy-loaded. This should drastically reduce the time it takes to import huggingface_hub as it will no longer load all soft dependencies.

Improvements and bugfixes

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