github hrfee/jfa-go v0.2.5
v0.2.5: ui redesign

latest releases: v0.5.1, v0.5.0, v0.4.0...
3 years ago

This version merges the a17t-redesign branch, where i rewrote the web ui using the a17t frontend toolkit, as well as all the typescript running things. Hopefully it looks better, but i've added some extra things such as a global notification box for errors and such, accessing tabs through a url (e.g /accounts). Also included in this release is better compatability with Jellyfin 10.7.0.


ee6f81b Add ability to revert to non-hyphenated user IDs
f3833f1 Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8
eb370d6 Merge a17t-redesign, kinda ts-ify setup.js
9125273 Merge dependabot PR
72eb51e Merge pull request #20 from hrfee/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ini-1.3.8
9dbf60e add URL base option for subfolder proxies
69bf81b change comment
3c952d2 fix 10.7.0 compatibility, simplify scss
a1e30ff fix/improve parsing of last active dates
fdc97b4 rename ts to typescript
c79f861 separate head into template, add description meta tag
8ef27f7 upgrade bootstrap and popper js

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