github homeport/dyff v1.1.0
dyff release v1.1.0

latest releases: v1.7.1, v1.7.0, v1.6.0...
3 years ago

Added new command last-applied, which creates a difference report using a Kubernetes YAML and the previous configuration of that YAML that is stored in the special metadata field


$ kubectl --namespace foobar get configmap foo-settings --output yaml | dyff last-applied -
     _        __  __
   _| |_   _ / _|/ _|  between /metadata/annotations/
 / _' | | | | |_| |_       and <STDIN>
| (_| | |_| |  _|  _|
 \__,_|\__, |_| |_|   returned one difference
  ± value change
    - bat
    + bar

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