Roughly the same as 2020.7 (4) but fixes the watchOS app crashing on startup and a small error in example YAML.
🖥️ Mac & 📱 iOS
- Fix notification settings showing 'errors' instead of 'attempts' as the first row.
- Fix example for notification category dictionary-based URLs.
🖥️ Mac
Like previous Mac builds, this requires 10.15 (Catalina) or newer. Move the app to /Applications if you're experiencing post-onboarding crashes for now!
- Saved another ~4 MB of uncompressed app file size.
📱 iOS
- Add cross-website tracking description to enable "Allow Cross-Site Tracking" setting in on iOS 14. This should be rarely necessary for certain e.g. iframes or other pages.
- Add "Update Sensors" shortcut, for use in -- e.g. "when connecting/disconnecting charger". This is similar to 'send location' but is faster and doesn't require providing location.
- Add Android Application Record when writing NFC tags. This makes Android more likely to succeed at NFC reading, and prompts installing the app when read if it isn't installed.