- Catch APIRateLimit in Honeywell (@mkmer - #107806) (honeywell docs)
- Allow disabling home assistant watchdog (@mdegat01 - #109818) (hassio docs)
- Assist fixes (@synesthesiam - #109889) (climate docs) (conversation docs) (intent docs)
- Bump Python matter server to 5.5.0 (@marcelveldt - #109894) (matter docs) (dependency)
- Bump aioelectricitymaps to 0.4.0 (@jpbede - #109895) (co2signal docs) (dependency)
- Skip polling of unavailable Matter nodes (@marcelveldt - #109917) (matter docs)
- Bump aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano to 0.9 (@exxamalte - #109940) (geonetnz_volcano docs) (dependency)
- Handle Matter nodes that become available after startup is done (@marcelveldt - #109956) (matter docs)
- Allow modbus "scale" to be negative. (@janiversen - #109965) (modbus docs)
- Don't blow up if config entries have unhashable unique IDs (@emontnemery - #109966)
- Bump pyMicrobot to 0.0.12 (@spycle - #109970) (keymitt_ble docs) (dependency)
- Allow modbus min/max temperature to be negative. (@janiversen - #109977) (modbus docs)
- Bump deebot-client to 5.1.1 (@edenhaus - #109994) (ecovacs docs) (dependency)
- Allow modbus negative min/max value. (@janiversen - #109995) (modbus docs)
- Bump aioecowitt to 2024.2.1 (@edenhaus - #109999) (ecowitt docs) (dependency)
- Avoid key_error in modbus climate with non-defined fan_mode. (@janiversen - #110017) (modbus docs)
- Update frontend to 20240207.1 (@bramkragten - #110039) (frontend docs)
- Log error and continue on parsing issues of translated strings (@mib1185 - #110046)
- Matching duplicate named entities is now an error in Assist (@synesthesiam - #110050) (conversation docs) (intent docs)
- Bump evohome-async to 0.4.18 (@zxdavb - #110056) (evohome docs) (dependency)
- Bump py-aosmith to 1.0.8 (@bdr99 - #110061) (aosmith docs) (dependency)