This is the last micro-release in the 1.11 series providing a number
of important fixes. Many thanks to our users for reporting these
issues and @poplarShift and @henriqueribeiro for contributing a number
of crucial fixes.
Bug fixes:
- All unused Options objects are now garbage collected fixing the last
memory leak (#3438) - Ensured updating of size on matplotlib charts does not error (#3442)
- Fix casting of datetimes on dask dataframes (#3460)
- Ensure that calling redim does not break streams and links (#3478)
- Ensure that matplotlib polygon plots close the edge path (#3477)
- Fixed bokeh ArrowPlot error handling colorbars (#3476)
- Fixed bug in angle conversion on the VectorField if invert_axes (#3488)
- Ensure that all non-Annotation elements support empty constructors (#3511)
- Fixed bug handling out-of-bounds errors when using tap events on
datetime axis (#3519)
- Apply Labels element offset using a bokeh transform allowing Labels
element to share data with original data (#3445) - Allow using datetimes in xlim/ylim/zlim (#3491)
- Optimized rendering of TriMesh wireframes (#3495)
- Add support for datetime formatting when hovering on Image/Raster (#3520)
- Added Tiles element from GeoViews (#3515)