github holoiso-eol/holoiso snapshot20220508.1224
HoloISO: Boop (snapshot2)

latest releases: 6-psa, 5.0.1, 5...
2 years ago

This is a quick hotfix for snapshot1, thus ISO for it won't be released, which addresses following issues:

  • Gamescope session is now able to restart/shutdown within power menu
  • Splitted updater into holoiso-updateclient
  • Shipping "Ark" for archive manager


  • Run sudo pacman -Sy --overwrite="*" holoiso-updateclient or download "holoiso-updateclient" here, and run sudo pacman -U --overwrite="*" holoiso-updateclient-rel.20220508.1222-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst before running steamos-update

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