github hjorslev/SteamPS v3.2.0
v3.2.0 Release of SteamPS

latest releases: v4.0.1, v4.0.0, v3.3.0...
3 years ago

[3.2.0] - 13/09-2020


  • New cmdlets that can interact with the Steam Web API
    • Connect-SteamAPI
    • Get-SteamFriendList
    • Get-SteamNews
    • Get-SteamPlayerBan
    • Get-SteamPlayerSummary
    • Resolve-VanityURL


  • Logging is now handled using PSFramework rather than the module Logging. Output
    of log files are stored in CSV format with more information about the system etc.
  • Get-SteamServerInfo
    • Write the error, if the server cannot be reached, instead of throwing it. This
      is implemented because if the server could not be reached after using Update-SteamServer,
      the workflow would be terminated, the first time the server could not be reached,
      instead of attempting to test it again.


  • Update-SteamServer
    • Fixed issue regarding the log file not being created due to a missing
      sub directory preventing any logging until the directory is created (#29).
    • Fixed issue with the update workflow being corrupted if the server were offline
      at the beginning of the update (#30).
  • Update-SteamApp
    • Remove the validate parameter when calling SteamCMD. Validation will overwrite
      any files that have been changed. This may cause issues with customized
      servers (#33).

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