What's Changed
- Free memory for MqttPublishes.receive on timeout/interrupt by @SgtSilvio in #603
- Allow to pass -1 to Mqtt5PublishBuilderBase.messageExpiryInterval to disable message expiry by @SgtSilvio in #604
- Add Renovate configuration by @Donnerbart in #644
- Pin dependencies (master) by @renovate in #646
- Update all major GitHub Actions dependencies to v4 (master) (major) by @renovate in #647
- Remove dependabot configuration by @Donnerbart in #649
- Update non-major netty dependencies to v4.1.115.Final (master) by @renovate in #648
- Update all minor dependencies (master) by @renovate in #650
- Update dependency org.jetbrains:annotations to v26 (master) by @renovate in #653
- Update dependency nl.jqno.equalsverifier:equalsverifier to v3.17.4 (master) by @renovate in #657
- Exclude Dagger tracking file from shaded JAR by @Donnerbart in #659
- Bump version to 1.3.4 by @Donnerbart in #658
- Update Gradle Nexus Publish plugin to 1.3.0 by @Donnerbart in #660
New Contributors
- @Donnerbart made their first contribution in #644
- @renovate made their first contribution in #646
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.4