github highmed/highmed-dsf v0.8.0-RC1
First Release Candidate for 0.8.0

latest releases: v0.9.3, v0.9.2, v0.9.1...
pre-release21 months ago

General remarks:

  • This is the first pre-release version (RC1) of 0.8.0, we recommend not to use this release in production. Especially since upgrading from 0.8.0-RC1 to the final 0.8.0 release may not be possible.

Features include:

  • User Tasks are now supported in BPMN processes based on Questionnaire and QuestionnaireResponse FHIR resources. Processes with User Tasks will automatically create a QuestionnaireResponse resource, based on a specified Questionnaire resource provided by the process plugin, as soon as a process enters a User Task. The process continues if the corresponding QuestionnaireResponse resource has been filled out and the status changes from in-progress to completed.
  • The DSF FHIR server can display QuestionnaireResponse as HTML form to be filled out by users. This allows the uses of User Tasks within process plugins without the need for external tools.
  • A FHIR Subscription with a websocket connection is used to synchronize updates to QuestionnaireResponse resources from the DSF FHIR server to the DSF BPE server similar to Task resources.
  • The last_event/time.file has been removed. Information on the last Task (and now also QuestionnaireResponse) resource handled by the DSF BPE server is now stored in the database of the DSF BPE server.
  • A SMTP mail client has been added the DSF BPE server. This mail client can be configured to receive generated e-mail from processes as well as automatic messages for logged errors.

Fixes include:

  • An issues with displaying specific StructureDefinition resources as HTML has been fixed in the DSF FHIR server, See #363.

Clients released in the binary assets:

Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry -

Issues closed:

  • Upgrade Dependencies #375
  • Add an eMail Notification Service #370
  • ValidationSupportWithCustomResources Should Support Versions #367
  • Move the last_event/time.file Inside the BPE Database #364
  • Cannot get StructureDefinitions as HTML if the current ping process is deployed #363
  • Add Support For BPMN User Tasks #139

This release contains contributions from @wetret and @hhund.

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