General remarks:
- This 0.5.3 release is a drop in replacement for 0.5.0, 0.5.1 and 0.5.2. To upgrade from 0.5.0, 0.5.1 or 0.5.2 to 0.5.3 modify the docker-compose.yml files to use the 0.5.3 versions of the DSF images and then upgrade your docker containers.
- A NUM-CODEX installation guide can be found here: NUM‐CODEX DSF 0.5.3 Deployment
- A HiGHmed installation guide can be found here: HiGHmed DSF 0.5.3 Deployment
- Configuration parameter are described here: DSF-0.5.3-Configuration-Parameters
- Defining thumbprints and process excludes within docker-compose files using YAML block scalars is now supported.
- During startup of the fhir and bpe containers, the DB migration tool will now retry after 10 seconds when encountering a UnknownHostException.
Fixes include:
- The Docker and VM based Test-Setups contained hardcoded thumbprints. See #275
Clients released in the binary assets:
- MPI client PDQ:
- openEHR client:
Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry -
- bpe:
- bpe_proxy:
- fhir:
- fhir_proxy:
Issues closed: