github hiero-ledger/hiero-mirror-node v0.58.0

latest releases: v0.125.0, v0.123.1, v0.125.0-rc1...
2 years ago

This release contains support for HIP-406 Staking, HIP-410 Wrapped Ethereum Transaction, and HIP-482 JSON-RPC Relay as well as a long overdue upgrade to Java 17.

HIP-406 Staking is coming and the mirror node is getting ready for it. This release we added persistence support to store staking information. In the next release, we'll expose this information via our APIs.

HIP-410 and HIP-482 are both intended to improve the onramp for existing Ethereum developers. Towards that end, we added pagination support to both of the contract logs REST APIs. You can now page through logs via a combination of a consensus timestamp and log index parameters. The new blocks REST APIs also saw new gas_used and logs_bloom fields added that show the aggregated values for all transactions within the block. Finally, we added a new network fee schedule REST API. Currently, it only exposes the gas price for ContractCall, ContractCreate, and EthereumTransaction types in tinybars.

GET /api/v1/network/fees

  "fees": [
      "gas": 35561,
      "transaction_type": "ContractCall"
      "gas": 481934,
      "transaction_type": "ContractCreate"
      "gas": 35561,
      "transaction_type": "EthereumTransaction"
  "timestamp": "1633392000.387357562"

Since mirror node's inception in 2019, it has used Java 11 to build and run due to it being the most recent LTS release. After Java 17 LTS was released in September 2021 we knew we wanted to upgrade. With this release we upgraded to 17 after validating that the mirror node was still functional and performant. If you're using our official container images, they are also on Java 17 so there will be no migration necessary besides updating the image. If you're running outside of a container, you'll need to either upgrade your JRE to 17 or rebuild the jar from source with -Djava.version=11.


  • Update block number migration to latest #3922
  • Persist per node reward rate (0.58) #3914
  • Persist node staking information #3886
  • Add network fee schedule REST API #3881
  • Fix security check #3880
  • Expose the ethereum hash in /api/v1/contracts/results #3870
  • HIP-406 store staking rewards #3854
  • Add contract logs pagination #3853
  • Add logs_bloom and gas_used to Blocks API #3852
  • Logs duplicate token account association and token balance #3849
  • Add entity staking fields #3845
  • Dedup token account association and balance #3844
  • Expose the ethereum transaction hash in api/v1/contracts/results endpoints #3820
  • Flatten Nft transfer chain #3816
  • Improve NftTransfer parsing support #3815
  • Upgrade to Java 17 #3806
  • HIP-406 Persist node stake #3792
  • HIP-406 Store staking rewards #3775
  • HIP-406 Entity staking fields #3772
  • Add pagination to contract logs REST API #3581
  • Network Fee Schedule REST API #3578
  • Java 17 #2508

Bug Fixes

  • Revert upgrade to Spring Boot 2.7.0 #3884
  • Fix surefire unable to catch test case failures #3848
  • mvnw test fails to detect some test failures #3842
  • Fix get contract result times out #3818
  • Convert ethereum transaction value from weibar to tinybar #3814
  • ethereum transaction handler doesn't convert value from weibar to tinybar #3808
  • Get contract result times out #3768

Dependency Upgrades

  • Bump headlong from 6.3.1 to 6.3.2 #3879
  • Bump openapi-generator-maven-plugin from 5.3.0 to 6.0.0 #3878
  • Bump from 2.17.196 to 2.17.201 #3877
  • Bump spring-cloud-gcp-dependencies from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 #3876
  • Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from 2021.0.2 to 2021.0.3 #3875
  • Bump protobuf-java from 3.20.1 to 3.21.1 #3874
  • Bump spring-native from 0.11.5 to 0.12.0 #3873
  • Bump evm from 22.4.1 to 22.4.2 #3872
  • Bump vertx-pg-client from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 #3871
  • Bump log4js from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2 in /hedera-mirror-rest/check-state-proof #3869
  • Bump from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 in /hedera-mirror-rosetta #3868
  • Bump from 3.8.1 to 3.9.1 in /hedera-mirror-rosetta #3867
  • Bump from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 in /hedera-mirror-rosetta #3866
  • Bump from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 in /hedera-mirror-rosetta #3865
  • Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 26.2.2 to 26.4.5 in /hedera-mirror-rest #3864
  • Bump docker-maven-plugin from 0.39.1 to 0.40.0 #3863
  • Bump aws-sdk from 2.1140.0 to 2.1145.0 in /hedera-mirror-rest #3862
  • Bump springdoc-openapi-webflux-ui from 1.6.8 to 1.6.9 #3861
  • Bump mathjs from 10.5.3 to 10.6.0 in /hedera-mirror-rest #3860
  • Bump log4js from 6.5.0 to 6.5.2 in /hedera-mirror-rest/monitoring/monitor_apis #3859
  • Bump log4js from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2 in /hedera-mirror-rest #3858
  • Bump mathjs from 10.5.3 to 10.6.0 in /hedera-mirror-rest/monitoring/monitor_apis #3857
  • Bump from 2.17.191 to 2.17.196 #3837
  • Bump log4js from 6.4.7 to 6.5.1 in /hedera-mirror-rest/check-state-proof #3836
  • Bump log4js from 6.4.7 to 6.5.1 in /hedera-mirror-rest #3835
  • Bump yargs from 17.5.0 to 17.5.1 in /hedera-mirror-rest/check-state-proof #3834
  • Bump from 1.10.5 to 1.10.6 in /hedera-mirror-rosetta #3832
  • Bump from 2.13.4 to 2.14.0 in /hedera-mirror-rosetta #3831
  • Bump from 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 in /hedera-mirror-rosetta #3830
  • Bump evm from 22.4.0 to 22.4.1 #3829
  • Bump junit-jupiter from 1.17.1 to 1.17.2 #3828
  • Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.6.7 to 2.7.0 #3826
  • Bump aws-sdk from 2.1136.0 to 2.1140.0 in /hedera-mirror-rest #3825
  • Bump embedded.testcontainers.version from 2.1.8 to 2.2.0 #3824
  • Bump asn1js from 3.0.3 to 3.0.5 in /hedera-mirror-rest #3823
  • Bump log4js from 6.4.7 to 6.5.0 in /hedera-mirror-rest/monitoring/monitor_apis #3822


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!

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