github hiero-ledger/hiero-consensus-node v0.19.1
Hedera Services v0.19.1

latest releases: xts-pass-1742023966, xts-candidate, xts-pass-1742002541...
3 years ago

In Hedera Services 0.19, we are thrilled to announce migration of the Hedera smart contract service to the Hyperledger Besu EVM, as laid out in HIP-26. This enables support for the latest v0.8.9 Solidity contracts, and harmonizes our gas schedule with that of the "London" hard fork. The Besu migration also sets the stage for a step change in smart contract performance on Hedera.

Two other HIPs targeting the Hedera Token Service go live in this release. First, the HIP-23 feature set is now enabled, so that any account that has been configured with a non-zero maxAutoAssociations can receive air-drops (i.e., units or NFTs of a token type without explicit association). Second, we have also implemented HIP-24, which provides a safety measure for token types created with a pauseKey. If a TokenPause is submitted with this key's signature, then all operations on the token will be suspended until a subsequent TokenUnpause.


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!

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