Notable changes
- Add cacheable cursor to channel message listings.
- Add group management functions to the server runtime. Thanks @4726.
- Make metrics prefix configurable and set a default value.
- Pin the GRPC Go plugin for the protoc compiler with a tool dependency.
- Build with Go 1.15.5 release.
- Use the Facebook Graph API v9.0 version.
- Facebook authentication no longer requires access to gender, locale, and timezone data.
- Update to Bleve v1.0.13 release.
- Update to nakama-common 1.10.0 release.
- Skip logging Lua errors raised by explicit runtime calls to the
error({ msg, code })
- Better handling of SSL negotiation in development with certs provided to the server.
- Use correct error message and response code when RPC functions receive a request payload larger than allowed.
- Expose missing 'group_users_kick' function to the Lua runtime.
- Fix an issue that would cause an error when trying to update a tournament record with invalid data.
- Fix some issues around listing tournaments.
- Fix an issue that would prevent the insertion of a record in a tournament with no scheduled reset and end time.
- Ensure the devconsole applies user password updates even if no other fields change.
NOTE: For developers who use the Go server runtime support. The nakama-common package at v1.10.0 must be used with this release.
env GO111MODULE=on go get ""