🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix not showing any items because the user's role has no access to listing all namespaces
- Now it falls back to showing the cluster's default namespace (if set) when there are listing related permissions issues
- Fix recursive loading issue in port-forward (desktop only)
- Prevent storing Electron's different preferences profiles each time (desktop only)
- Fix showing a plugin's payload origin (it was showing the ArtifactHub's package URL but now shows the actual plugin archive URL) (desktop only)
- Fix other important security issues
💻 Development
- Refactor some of the plugin manager's code including fixing types
Container image: 🐳 ghcr.io/headlamp-k8s/headlamp:v0.28.1
Desktop Apps:
🐧 Flatpak / Linux (AMD64)
🐧 Linux AppImage AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Linux Tarball AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Debian / Linux AMD64
🍏 Mac (AMD64)
🍏 Mac (ARM/M1)
🟦 Windows (AMD64)