github hazelcast/hazelcast v5.3.7

latest releases: v5.5.0, v5.3.8, v5.4.0...
3 months ago

This document lists the enhancements, fixed issues, and removed or deprecated features for Hazelcast Platform 5.3.7 release. The numbers in the square brackets refer to the issues and pull requests in Hazelcast's GitHub repository.


  • Improved the time spent on the first partition migration, in case a new member joins a cluster with high partition count. [#1201]
  • Updated the versions of following dependencies:
    • gRPC to 1.60.0
    • Jetty to 9.4.53.v20231009
    • AWS SDK to 1.12.688
      [#1207], [#1208], [#1209]

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